before the sex change. which was right after graduation.
a friend of plmkrzy
ok, this is me, in my freshman yr. check out the hair.... .
before the sex change. which was right after graduation.
a friend of plmkrzy
well, it's finally hit me!today is my one week anniversary on this site(no cakes or anything thanks.
)anyhoo, ive definitely gotta take a break!this is a very addictive site because it confirms all the things i've always suspected about being a dub but could'nt prove it!so being the hollow chocolate jw bunny i am, im takin a few off to get my brain recharged,then back to learn more about my "heritage religion", and make more cool freinds!peace out ya'll
Danielson's day is equiv to our week.
Danny Boy Oh Danny Boy the pipes are calling.........
I don't know.
many are familiar with my "friend" i mention her in many of my posts.
well lately she has told me about some strange actions towards her by the elders and others in her hall.
she is nervous and unsure of what is going on.
I understand that. I don't care anything about what anyone may think of me personally but I do care about the crap some members of my family would have to put up with and also how it would make them feel. That would be insensitive on my part. just because I've been treated insensitive doesn't mean I want to become like that.
i seem to remember 6 months ago, an air of excitement amoung some of the witnesses.
slightly raised blood pressures and dilated pupils.
"this surely is the beginning of the end for real" and comments even here (what was it?
You know I have to admit when I saw that second plane hit and then the towers came down and then all the ruckus and camotion my mind flashed for a moment or two wondering if we were being kicked started into WW3. It's not like we were prepared for that and knew what we would think ahead of time. Unless ofcourse...
It's pretty strange if you really think about how 'well' we've adjusted in 6 months. were like ants. someone steps on our buildings, we scurry around mad for a short time and then go on about business.
And the fighting hasn't stopped.
UHh sorry this is gloomy.
puzzled is 51
plmkrzy is 45
just a few things in the account that don't make sense and lead me to believe it's just a made of story (really?
a guy with superhuman power?
who would have thought... ).
In a fight who would win? Samson or Goliath. King Kong or Godzilla?
I should have paid more attention to these stories when I was growing up. I think they're more interesting now.
SIMON....Thank you for deleting the pic.
okay, i know what *my* deal is.
i'm kinda stuck in a life that i really see no way of escaping.
a big part of my deal is that i was raised without a dad who walked out on his family and so i have it in me to be the dad my dad never was.
I use to think I knew but I have since convinced myself there really is no such thing. Pretty sad.
When you get dropped on your head(or at least seemingly) by your "Family" what else is left?
For those who prefer to skip over me.
blah blah blah blah
ok, this post isn't out to prove anything, other than i've got too much time on my hands, which alot of you know that already.. over my morning coffee this morning i decided to read the section of the bible dealing with nimrod and the tower of babel.
i have two bibles at home the nwt and the new american standard.
heres what th nwt says at gen 10:9.
And a bit more detail of the verse with the Hebrew text:
Ok I tried these links and all I get is "Page can't be found"
Do you have a home page address for this site maybe I can cut and past that?
honest this started out as just a question, really.
i have a question .
it may seem a bit irrelevant.
You need not be sorry.
They faught like warrior poets...and gained their freedom.
a friend of plmkrzy
matthew 10:11-14 says,.
"into whatever city or village you enter, search out who in it is deserving, and stay there until you leave.
when you are entering into the house, greet the household; and if the house is deserving, let the peace you wish it come upon it; but if it is not deserving, let the peace from you return upon you.
ianao,..tfs, don't worry. The long dribble you just read from You Know is his way of saying "Jee tfs, I can't answer your questions.
I'll try an answer your real question.
Yes they do have lodgeing in Georgia.
And No, I don't think all the JWs that live there were looking for a place to stay.
Why does anybody CARE? I personally DO NOT want anyone in this forum or out of this forum deciding for me what should be done with MY RIGHTS!
If a JW knocks on my door and I don't want to talk to them I can make my own choices and Not answer the door, or answer the door and say GO AWAY, or put a damn sign up that say's NO JWs ALLOWED! or HI! Come on in and have a beer!. It's MY choice NOT YOURS!!! MINE!!! Thank You Very Much.
a friend of plmkrzy