It's typical of high-control groups that everything they want you to do is a "privilege." If one is PIMO, then, start to always refer to them as "so-called privileges." (Or "your so-called privileges." An unspoken way of saying they are not "privileges" to you.)
Most likely they will never offer them to you after that. Part of the group/cult persona is that you are supposed to be seeking and desiring after their privileges before they will grant those 'privileges' to you. They won't offer them to you unless you first show that you desire for them to give them to you. This desire for their "privileges" puts you at a disadvantage. It makes you useful to them. (Or if they do offer some "privilege," tell them you'll have to think about it for awhile to see if you can conscientiously accept it. After all, you might have more important things to do. In this way you show unspoken disdain for what they view as important.)
In this way you use their cult-think to your own advantage. Of course, you must mentally accept that they will view you as spiritually weak. But learn to disdain their appraisal of your value.