Here is an interesting item:
On page 4, on the right hand column there is a suggested talking point:
To Start Bible Studies on the First Saturday in September
"Many believe that God will one day judge them according to their deeds. Do you think Judgment Day is something to look forward to or to dread? [Allow for response.] Notice what this says." Hand the householder the September 1 Watchtower, and consider together material under the first subheading on page 16 and at least one of the scriptures. Offer the magazines, and arrange to return to discuss the next question.
A reply to this approach might be:
"Where in the Bible are you getting this term 'Judgement Day' from? And why doesn't a reference to it occur in this article?
In the NWT, the term occurs at Matthew 10:15; 11:22, 24; 12:36 (four places total. No where else.).
Or ask if they have a Bible Teach book handy. On pages 213-215 there is a chapter on "Judgement Day."
Curiously enough, this chapter in the Bible Teach book and page 16 in the 9/1 public Watchtower do not cite any of the four verses that use the term "Judgement Day." How are you going to have a whole chapter in a book and an article in the magazine about a subject, but never reference the verses that use the term you are talking about?
The WT article does cite 2 Peter 3:7. 2 Peter 2:9 and 3:7 use the term "day of judgement." The WT article says that refers to the coming great tribulation. But they say that "Judgement Day" refers to the 1000 years.
The fact is both terms ("Judgement Day" and "day of Judgement") are exactly the same in Greek. I kind of think that the Society knows that the rendering "Judgement Day" in Matthew is bunk. But they aren't willing to admit it. Instead they are trying to slyly forget those verses.