Witnesses ordered to begin hoarding supplies

by Star tiger 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Star tiger
    Star tiger


    My dad now an ex witnesses was visited last Sunday by an active witness who said that during the special talk in the assembly in Colchester England they would be advised to begin stockpiling food and water for what could a economic meltdown!

    My dad reminded him about the ancient Israelites who relied on Jehovah and were provided with Mana after their escape from Egypt, the point was lost on him!

    Have the Governing body become a pseudo survivalist regime, and where is their faith!!

    By the way this could be the society trying to encourage witnesses who have been disenfranchised by the Generations thing, or this bloke could just be a nutter, lol!


    Star Tiger

  • james_woods

    Somehow this sounds a little off of solid dead center to me.

    There have always been private notions of survival stockpiling, but I have never seen it actually coming from the official Society pages.

    They tend to say that somehow their WarGod will supply those who survive Armageddon and the GT.

  • Balaamsass

    The old Bethelites were into this. Lots of food storage. Back-up generators. Underground tunnels.

  • skeeter1

    There is something strange going on. I got a call from a relative, older, who is/was an MS. He was very urgent in trying to say that the End was coming by the End of this year. The Koolaid is being mixed.... The JWs are hyped up.

  • blondie

    jws were given written and verbal instructions to gather supplies for a disaster; Katrina caught the WTS and local congregations with their pants down.

    *** km 1/07 p. 4 Are You Prepared for a Natural Disaster? ***

    1 Each year, millions of people around the world, including many of our brothers and sisters, are affected by earthquakes, tsunamis, monsoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods. Since natural disasters occur unexpectedly and could affect any of us, it is the course of wisdom to be prepared.—Prov. 21:5.

    2 In Advance: Sometimes the authorities are able to warn of impending disasters. It is important to pay attention to those warnings. (Prov. 22:3) In such situations the elders will try to contact all in the congregation to help them to make necessary preparations. After a disaster, the elders will also endeavor to contact all who are associated with the congregation to see if they are safe and to discern what assistance may be needed. Valuable time can be lost if the elders do not have up-to-date contact information. So it is good for publishers to keep the secretary and their book study overseer informed of their current address and telephone number(s).

    3 If the congregation is located in a disaster-prone area, the elders may ask publishers to provide the name and telephone number of a relative or friend who does not live in the vicinity and who should be contacted in case of an emergency. This will enable the elders to locate those who have evacuated. The elders may also wish to develop a contingency plan for the congregation that includes such things as a simple checklist of emergency supplies to keep on hand, evacuation arrangements, and plans for assisting those with special needs. Cooperation with these loving arrangements is important.—Heb. 13:17.

    4 After a Disaster: What should you do if a disaster strikes in your area? Make sure that your family’s immediate physical needs are cared for. As you are able, give necessary assistance to others who have been affected. Endeavor to contact your book study overseer or another elder as soon as possible. This should be done even if you are safe and do not need help. If you need assistance, be assured that your brothers are making every effort to help you. (1 Cor. 13:4, 7) Remember that Jehovah is aware of your situation; rely on him to sustain you. (Ps. 37:39; 62:8) Be alert to opportunities to provide spiritual and emotional support to others. (2 Cor. 1:3, 4) Resume your theocratic routine as soon as possible.—Matt. 6:33.

    5 While the threat of disaster causes the world much anxiety, we can look to the future with confidence. Soon all disasters will be a thing of the past. (Rev. 21:4) In the meantime, we can take reasonable steps to prepare for times of trouble and difficulties as we maintain our zeal in declaring the good news to others.

  • agonus


    Maybe the Mayans were Jah's true prophets after all. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  • Star tiger
    Star tiger


    It might be only one mad witness delusion, but the fact they said that to an ex witness to promote fear, sounds like an act of desperation to me!

    R egards,

    Star Tiger

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    A few weeks ago, a bethel speaker visited and told us to have a "survival kit" ready...there was talk of it and I couldn't but secretly laugh in my mind...

    Guess I should start getting some "apostate" material together for this kit, so I can read...

    Kool Jo

  • shamus100

    Oh, it's just Gog of Magog doing it's final attack of god's organization. ** snort **

    That is EXACTLY what they are thinking.

    i'm betting nothing will happen. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I'm going to wait and see what flavors manna comes in


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