If it was just a question of having a chip, God probably wouldnt care, but Iam sure you have read Revelation, that its more than just having a chip, having the chip involves worshiping and giving allegence to Satans kingdom rather than Gods.
Posts by Nambo
Watchtower re "The New World Order"
by Nambo innow the watchtower is so named for they keep on the watch right?.
for those of you still in, or that still see the mags, have they ever once even mentioned the "new world order", or one world government or even globalisation?.
ive been on a forum or two where the average joe, who doesnt even belive in, or are not even aware of god, the bible and revelation, are fully aware of the push towards globalisation and a single world government, where you wont be able to buy or sell unless you accept thier chip, of the f.e.m.a.
Watchtower re "The New World Order"
by Nambo innow the watchtower is so named for they keep on the watch right?.
for those of you still in, or that still see the mags, have they ever once even mentioned the "new world order", or one world government or even globalisation?.
ive been on a forum or two where the average joe, who doesnt even belive in, or are not even aware of god, the bible and revelation, are fully aware of the push towards globalisation and a single world government, where you wont be able to buy or sell unless you accept thier chip, of the f.e.m.a.
Opps, I forgot the org use the term as well.
Sorry St George, Iam not refering to the Societies use of the term, Google it to hear the world leaders use of the term, and to which I refer.
Watchtower re "The New World Order"
by Nambo innow the watchtower is so named for they keep on the watch right?.
for those of you still in, or that still see the mags, have they ever once even mentioned the "new world order", or one world government or even globalisation?.
ive been on a forum or two where the average joe, who doesnt even belive in, or are not even aware of god, the bible and revelation, are fully aware of the push towards globalisation and a single world government, where you wont be able to buy or sell unless you accept thier chip, of the f.e.m.a.
Band on the Run, whilst I agree Globilisation might seem to have many beniefits, dont forget that that is one of the prophesies about it, that people will admire the "beast".
Yet many non-Christian conspiracy theorists, are warning against this very trap and saying, " do not fall for thier seemimg benifits, for the end result will be bad", yet my post isnt to enquire on the pros and cons of Globalistaion, but to question if its really true, that the Watchtower is so out of touch with Biblical World Events, that the average evolution believing computer geek is more awake.
The five reasons you may be unhappy-
by moshe inour 12 year old daughter has been very unhappy lately (middleschool blues) and i tried to think back on the things that have made me unhappy in my 60+ years of life-.
i condensed them down to five categories- let's see if you good jwn'ers can come up with any categories i missed--.
you have lost/missed something important and can't get it back.
Whilst the listed points might result in a level of unhappiness, there will doubtless be other things in your life that will bring happiness and act as a balance.
You dont even need a reason to be truly unhappy, it occurs when there is a total lack of happiness in your life, that means when there is nothing, emptyness, no happiness, without even the hope that something happy will come along next week.
Watchtower re "The New World Order"
by Nambo innow the watchtower is so named for they keep on the watch right?.
for those of you still in, or that still see the mags, have they ever once even mentioned the "new world order", or one world government or even globalisation?.
ive been on a forum or two where the average joe, who doesnt even belive in, or are not even aware of god, the bible and revelation, are fully aware of the push towards globalisation and a single world government, where you wont be able to buy or sell unless you accept thier chip, of the f.e.m.a.
Now the Watchtower is so named for they keep on the watch right?
For those of you still in, or that still see the mags, have they ever once even mentioned the "New World Order", or One World Government or even Globalisation?
Ive been on a forum or two where the average Joe, who doesnt even belive in, or are not even aware of God, the Bible and Revelation, are fully aware of the push towards globalisation and a single world government, where you wont be able to buy or sell unless you accept thier chip, of the F.E.M.A. concentration camps all built and ready for those who "refuse to worship the Beast".
Yet, according to a JW I speak to at work, he is totally unaware of world events rapidily heading towards events fullfilling the Book of Revelation, and they have never once brought the Sheep the awareness of the push towards the "New World Order".
Now is this realy the case or does this fella have 40 winks during Watchtower study?
Is the org really that unaware of the fullfilling of Biblical events they claim they are on the watch for.
Or are they too embarrased to say as they have allready told us Revelation was fullfilled in 1919, so they cannot say it again.
Or have they just run out of oil and fallen asleep?, dreaming about the heady days of 1918 when they where young.
cowboy films.
by bigmac insome of us uk members of a certain age really enjoy cowboy films.. what was your most favourite cowboy film of all time?.
mine was on tv again today-----.
---- the magnificent seven.
"Dead Man" with Johnny Depp.
The very atmospheric music Niel Young makes this one of the most amazing films Ive seen.
Search "Dead Man" on You tube, second hit.
What exactly is a relasionship with God?
by tootired2care ingrowing up and jw and being around them all my life i constantly heard the expression "a relasionship with god".
this always confused me, because how do you have a relasionship with someone that doesn't talk back to you after praying?
this was always rationalized as god talks back to you when you read the bible.
Further to my last regarding that picture, and also the 20 million Stalin murdered.
Are those people Gods to save, or do they come under the juristdiction of the Devil?
When Adam left God, he and all his offspring became in effect, the property of the Devil, God is not one to steal them from him.
He did however, pay the price with the death of his son Jesus, so anybody who lets themselves be bought by that price, does become the property of God to save if he so wishes, so doubtless God would have loved to save that child, (and maybe in actuallity that child was saved unless whoever took that photo was heartless enough to let nature take its course), but if the child, and those Christians who would have been Trinitirian Christians, are not the actual bought and paid for property of God, he doesnt act until the price, thier death, has been paid.
Maybe he does look after those who have let themseles be bought, I have an experience for another time where I consider my physical life was saved, now maybe God could only do that for me because I let myself become his property, something he wants for all but cannot force himself on them at this stage.
What exactly is a relasionship with God?
by tootired2care ingrowing up and jw and being around them all my life i constantly heard the expression "a relasionship with god".
this always confused me, because how do you have a relasionship with someone that doesn't talk back to you after praying?
this was always rationalized as god talks back to you when you read the bible.
My thoughts on the above picture?
That God doesnt take an active role in Satans world until Jesus brings the kingdom that will prevent and undo such suffering, God isnt a Genie of the lamp that goes around performing miracles of a physical nature, even Christians dont get saved, look at the 20 million Christians that Stalin murdered, often by burying them alive.
What God does offer us, is a relationship with him, that if we reach out to him, he will let himself be found by us, that doesnt then meam he will automatically stop us suffering in the way that that poor child is, but it does give us the comfort to know that he does exist and can undo the damage God haters have done to the world of suffering man.
In response to your last question, I have found it to be the opposite, when I have done what I considered through my Witness training, to be such a discusting vomit eating sin that I thought God would surely now have nothing whatsoever to do with me, I get his Holy Spirit even stronger, and then that tells me that he still cares for me, that the blood of his Son is worth more than any sin I could do, and that his mercy is a gift from him, not a payment for any works of mine, it also helps me to learn how to love him, something the JW doctrines of men make it very hard to do.
It also disproves the theories of some of those here who plainly dont want God to exist, yet wonder why he doesnt have a relationship with them, namely that the feelings of the Holy Spirit are the results of internal feel good chemical reactions when I am feeling far from good following such sinning.
A case of putting the cart before the horse.
Can I borrow your god?
by thinker inaccording to biblical history, the israelites were in egypt for 430 years.
that's a long, long time.
that would be approximately 14 generations.
Wow Old g Dude, cant you post more often?, In all the Watchtowers I ever read I never came across anything as informative.
What do you think then is the application of the Scriptures where it says, "My people will know my name", and, "everyone who calls on the name of God will be saved"?
The JWs tend to use these as part of thier "evidence" that they are Gods people, though Ive read that they acknowledge the name Yahweh is probably closer to Gods name than Jehovah, so they seem to be shooting themselves in the foot with that one.
Also, we had been lead to belive the Jews used to know Gods name, but because they where so afraid of taking it in vain, they actually removed it to the point it was lost to memory.
Do you know therefore, did the Hebrews ever know Gods name at all?, or where they just aware of the concept you have revealed with your post, and that the phrase, "My people will know my name", doesnt mean they will ever actually know his name, but have faith in the fact he doesnt even need a name for his actions will prove his worth and Godship?
I Didn't 'Get It' at First, Until I Got There......
by AllTimeJeff inif jehovah's witnesses, which number about 7 million right now, are a small subset of the religious world today, what does that make former jw's?
as with any unique group, you have to be one to totally understand, esp if you were neck deep in it at one time.
when i first left, all i wanted to do was say the things i never had a chance to when i was in.
All valid and true, however, lets not forget that there are very many of our beloved Brothers and Sisiters who are still trapped in a mindset from which they need to partake of what to us is now milk.
I spent 10 years of my life after fading, but still believing the JW propogander, 10 years of living suicide with the belief I was damned and about to be destroyed, just happening on a relevant post whilst accidentally browsing this forum could even save a "failed" brothers life, so dont let us underestimate the help we can still be giving outsiders to this forum.