Further embellishments must have been added along the way so by the time we heard these In England, they where even better.
The John Denver one for instance, apparently he does this trick where he takes his hands off his guitar, AND IT PLAYS ITSELF!!!, unfortunately, as JWs are so righetous, this wouldnt work if any where attending his concert, so they had to leave.
The Dangeons and Dragons one involves some brothers playing the game in Bethel, such activities resulted in a demon appearing and asking why he had been summoned in the house of the Lord.
Of course there are other tales of demonic woe, but as I recieved these first hand from the brothers who experienced them, Iam not going to class them as urban legends,
oh, except for one then.
This fella started coming to the meetings who previously had been into demonology.
He had a cat.
One day on field service, in a car with an Elder I also know and trust, this fellas house was a bit further down the road, left at the roundabout and back on itself.
On this particular day however, rather than driving around the corner to his house, this new fella wants the car stopped right away, so he could run across the field to the back of his house.
Car stopped, (driven by Elder), fella opens the door of the car, right next to the car door was his cat, lying on its back completely disemboweled.
This fella was really quite upset by this as well.
I have a horrendous one of my own, which I do hope was just a co-incidence as it was worst than a cat, I still feel like it was my fault, afraid there is no way Iam revealing it here though, in fact I only ever told one Elder about it in my life.