Does Jehovah know what is going on, and does He help?
(As told by Bro. Spangenberg, C.O.) > > >
1. The bomb planted in the Kingdom Hall in Australia, where one brother
was killed, was meant to kill everyone, and would have; but the bomb
backwards so the force or the blast was away from the friends, rather
aimed at them. > >
2. A new Hall was built in Brooklyn. However, a large tree was
inconveniently located in the center of the parking lot. A city
Ordinance forbade its
removal. That night, a storm blew it down, and it conveniently fell in
middle of the street. No harm came to the Hall. Because it blocked the
street, the city of New York had to remove it, at no expense to the
3. In Florida, a Hall building was delayed, because the basement hadn't
been back filled and the brothers had no means to do so. While the
were at the site, a bulldozer showed up, did the job, and drove off. He
told his boss he'd finished the job at the Hall. The boss replied,
I told you to go to the 'mall!'" The job was done at No expense to the
brothers. > >
4. The brothers were building a 2-day project, and were short of roof
trusses. None could be obtained for 3 days. Nearby, a semi-truck
blocking traffic. What was it carrying? Trusses! The police wanted them
removed. The brothers moved in and hauled them away. Although some were
damaged, enough were gathered to finish the project, at no cost to
the brothers. >
5. A Hall project was planned on an island. However, no sand was
for the mortar. (Many of these islands are formed from coral). The only
sand was on property owned by the Catholic priest, and he wouldn't sell
to the brothers. A storm came up and washed the sand from the priest's'
to where it was available to the friends. The project was completed, and
everyone was happy but the priest. > >
6. In Poland, where the work was, at the time, done underground, 3
were working on a country road. The sky was cloudy. Suddenly a bolt of
lightning killed the middle brother. The other 2 hurriedly hid his body
in the
bushes, so that they could go and remove literature, etc. from his home
before the officials came. (The officials would take over any
they found and would give them to whomever they felt could use them.)
his possessions were found a complete list of all the Witnesses from
around. He was not a brother, but an impostor, planning to turn this
over to the police! > >
7. In a country where the work is banned, a brother was trying to get
through a series of roadblocks, with the trunk of his car loaded with
literature. He was stopped by a policeman, who asked him if he would
take him to a
certain destination, as his car had broke down. The brother agreed. The
policeman got in the car, took his policeman's hat off and put it on the
dashboard of the car. As they drove along, they passed through five
and each time they were waved to go on through because of the policeman
being in the car. When they reached the end, the policeman thanked him
and got
out. The brother asked him what the roadblocks were for. The policeman
replied, "Oh, those Jehovah's Witnesses try to get through with their
literature and this is set up to stop them." So he had escorted the
brother right
through with his literature! >
As Bro. Lauriz says, if these hadn't come from Bethel, we'd never
them! >
This is making the witness email rounds...Anyone believe them?
by Botzwana 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Smells like shit to me.
So I wonder what thier reasoning would be behind all the failed assasination attempts on Hitler?
And some of them where far more amazing then the above list.
5. A Hall project was planned on an island. However, no sand was
for the mortar. (Many of these islands are formed from coral). The only
sand was on property owned by the Catholic priest, and he wouldn't sell
to the brothers. A storm came up and washed the sand from the priest's'
to where it was available to the friends. The project was completed, and
everyone was happy but the priest.BAHAHAHAHA!!!
"Chain emails for JWs" I wonder if it says at the end:
"Pass this on to at least 5 friends, or you will not survive the Great Tribulation"tal /
Sounds like the story of two sisters at the door of
A killer and he saw two large angeles standing behind
the sisters. The reason he did not killed them. Give me
a break.
Complete hogwash; these old stories made the rounds in the 80's, at the builds themselves.
Miracle of miracles, the truck just happened to spill the right size and pitch trusses?
Come on.
Even if true, so what? Just a bunch of confirmation bias to keep the sheep in their mental shackles.
Almost every religion in existence has stories like this. Hell, most religions have better stories, you know people getting cured of cancer, the Lord blessing them with money, and all the rest.
This was read by a circuit overseer at my hall when I was still a witness. That was over 6 years ago. But I remember this vividly - especially the one that confused mall and hall (How stupid do they think we are?)
No, and even if they did happen, what about all the covered up situations where the opposite happened?