"Nambo - I didn't ask you what the Watchtower says about the UN I asked you to explain why you think the League of Nations was Satanic."
Oh, sorry Cofty, (though you didnt actually ask me why I personaly thought it Satanic).
Pretty much the same as the Watchtower really, the Beast of Revelation is made in the image of Satan, so its his kingdom, he gives it its power.
What is the Beast of Revelation?, its all the seperate kings and Kingdoms of the World joined onto one body, Global Government in other words.
Whats the League of Nations?, the first step to the same Global Government, its next step was the United Nations, another world war will be so devastating it will possibly morph into a real power, It is claimed Albert Pike predicted such.
I work at British Government, I asked somebody in a rather high position about Gordon Brown wanting to give up British Soverignty for a Global Government, (I exaggerated an article from the New Zealand Herald which reported Gordon Brown calling for more power to the UN and a New World Order), the person replied that they thought it a good idea and proceeded to reel off a list of all the good it would do the world, no wars etc. Rather like some of the verses in Revelation 13.
The previous global government was Satanic, thats why God seperated all the nations at Babel.
I could go on for pages about how evil this Global Government is shaping up to be from a purely secular aspect.
But I wont bore you all here.
If you are interested just do a load of Google searches and see what you think of the result, wiether it will be a good thing? or a bad thing like Global Communism or Global Nazism.