Crisps, I think you Americans call them potato chips.
Posts by Nambo
name your addiction
by Vivamus ini'm making it official.
i'm addicted!
someone once said to me that admitting it is solving half of the problem, and i can live with the other half... lol.
What Are You Looking For, Something That Makes Sense Of Kingdom Hall Conduct?
by Bubblegum Apotheosis ini know it's hard to challenge your beliefs you have held onto so long, what else is out there in this world, that makes sense?
once upon a time, we had a edge over the world, we had "game" but this is fading.
think about the talks you heard at the "one day, two-day or summer conventions", were you upbuilt and told how valuable you are?
Thank you Bublegum, that was lovely, I might have stayed in if I had had such an insight, instead I grew to belive I was wasting my time and being a hypocrite by trying to get others to join when I truly belived thier teachings that I wasnt good enough for Jehovah, so in effect, I disfellowshipped myself.
Since studying the Bible for myself, I now belive we are not meant to be perfect else we would be confirming the Devils lie, that we can be like God when we know good and bad, whereas in truth, we are not like God and cannot reject the bad like he can.
Also the Mosiac law showed that man cannot be good enough to earn salvation, thats why it was abandoned and replaced by Gods grace, paid for by Jesus sacrifice, the JWs have instigated thier own Mosiac law, perhaps thats why they dont dwell on Jesus so much, who needs Jesus if you are perfect without him?
My favourite scripture is the prophesy about Jesus where it says, "No broken reed will he crush"
Have you felt to have Holy Spirit?
by wolfman85 inhow many of you have felt the holy spirit being jw?
have you felt to have it after leaving?
always in my prayers i ask for holy spirit, but honestly i have never felt to have it.
Anyone use to have horrible nightmares as a child & afriad of the dark due to all the Watchtower Society talk of Demons and Satan??
by mind blown inas a little child i used to have horrible, horrible nightmares do to all the satan/ demon and big a talk.
i was also horrified of the dark for the same reason.
I used to have dreadfull nightmares as a kid, and every night, allthough these stopped as In my teenage years, I became quite scared of the dark and of entities in my late teens and early twenties when I started living on my own.
When I was in the Royal Navy, I was in the hospital of HMS Ganges for a minor injury, now many young men had died here over the years, in the middle of the night I woke up to the feeling that something was walking around the ward, "looking for souls to steal", I instinctively grabbed the Gedions Bible that was in the bedside cabinet, and the feeling then went away, even though back then I had no belief in God.
I hadnt even heard of the Jehovahs Witnesses and didnt become one until many years later.
I think you will find most Children experience these things even if they are not brought up as Witnesses, though I can well see how confirmation from adults makes it even worst, when I was in the Childrens homes we used to creep around the dark basement armed only with our Dan Dare Raygun torches, looking for Monsters and creatures of the night in dreadfull but exhilarating fear.
Surviving the Economic Depression
by metatron infirst, let's clear something up: for many people, it's no longer a question of recession - the depression is here and may last for many years!.
this could be true if you live in many parts of europe, or africa or ...... michigan!
let the 'experts' quibble over definitions, to me jobless rates of 15 to 20 % with little hope of change signals a depression where you live.. some suggestions:.
A good year before the start of this "Credit Crunch",(read the protocols of the learned Elders of Zion, aka Babylon the Great, free online), I read on whistleblower sites such as Jeff Rense, and following the advice of E-Watchman, I started converting all my savings from paper money into Gold and Silver.
At the time, everyone at work just considered me an eccentric conspiracy theorist, however, when my predictions started to unfurl, and my wealth tripled, despite the temporary drop in silver last year, my reputation is now such that people call me "the Prophet"and ask me what will happen next.
The funniest tale, baring in mind that British Prime Minister Gordon Brown sold our gold when it was at the bottom, and liked to go around saying, "nobody could have predicted the current economic downturn",was that I was accompanying the Prime Ministers personal secretary, who is a Member of Parliament herself, and she was talking about how "the best place to get news nowadays was off the internet".
I replied, "yes, three years ago I read the bankers where going to do this so I invested in Gold and have made a fortune".
Her mouth dropped open in shock at how this nobody demonstrated the ineptitude of the Prime Minister before she recovered her composure, smiled, gripped my arm and said, "Oh well done, good for you", I wonder if she told her boss later?
I also passed on to others, my belief that this intentional "crisis", was in order to crash the existing currencies, in order to bring in a global currency leading to a cenral government, time will tell if that prediction is as successfull as it has been so far.
Have you felt to have Holy Spirit?
by wolfman85 inhow many of you have felt the holy spirit being jw?
have you felt to have it after leaving?
always in my prayers i ask for holy spirit, but honestly i have never felt to have it.
Thats interesting about feeling Auras, can you describe what you feel and what it tells you about the person?
Whilst adults have little interest in me, Children and especially animals really seem to like and trust me, a Sister I courted was particularily impressed when she saw wild birds land on my hand to share a sandwich with me, and people with dogs and cats that are generally wary of men, suprise thier owners when they are so friendly to me.
I wonder if animals are able to see Spiritual things that are lost to us?
How many here smoke?
by cantleave ini don't and am very unlikely to after seeing my father dying of a smoking related lung disease (even though i would like to try a high quality cigar).. but i am curious to see how many people take up smoking after leaving the org.. .
Another thing I notice, whenever the media brings to our attention a person who has lived an extrodinary longlife, they allways appear to be heavy smokers!
The following table shows how average smoking doesnt seem to have affected the average life span, the heaviest smokers by far, the Japanese, have the second longest lifespan, doubtless along with Iceland due to thier fish diet, but unless fish are the cure for smoking related lung cancer, smoking doesnt appear to have reduced the average life span.
Suffice to say that some of the countries with the highest rates of smoking have the lowest rates of lung cancer. Consider the following table, compiled by Kees from figures furnished by the WHO and the CIA:
Top 15 Male Life Expectancies
LE (years) Smokers prevalence (%) 1. Iceland 76.6 (1994) 31.0 (1994) 2. Japan 76.5 (1994) 59.0 (1994) 3. Costa Rica 75.9 (1994) 35.0 (1988) 4. Israel 75.9 (1994) 45.0 (1990) 5. Sweden 75.5 (1994) 22.0 (1994) 6. Greece 75.2 (1994) 46.0 (1994) 7. Switzerland 74.8 (1994) 36.0 (1992) 8. Netherlands 74.7 (1994) 36.0 (1994) 9. Canada 74.7 (1994) 31.0 (1991) 10. Cuba 74.7 (1994) 49.3 (1990) 11. Australia 74.5 (1994) 29.0 (1993) 12. Spain 74.5 (1994) 48.0 (1993) 13. Malta 74.5 (1994) 40.0 (1992) 14. Italy 74.4 (1994) 38.0 (1994) 15. France 74.3 (1994) 40.0 (1993) USA 72.6 (1994) 28.1 (1991)
Have you felt to have Holy Spirit?
by wolfman85 inhow many of you have felt the holy spirit being jw?
have you felt to have it after leaving?
always in my prayers i ask for holy spirit, but honestly i have never felt to have it.
Hi Wolfman, Reading some of my other posts you will see I have answered. and been ridiculed for, your question.
The first time in my life I experienced Holy Spirit, I was 28, I had been contacted by the Witnesses on first call a couple of weeks previously, had started attending meetings, and having finished the books they gave me, proceeded to read the Bible cover to cover, so I wasnt at the KH, I was at home, on my own, and I had got to Numbers, so nothing exciting, I figure God figuered if I was going to read how so and so begat so and so, who begat so and so, then I must be genuinly "groping for him", all of a sudden, its as if I was injected with heroin or Morphine is the nearest I can think to descripe the powerfull feeling that came through me.
Now, I never really felt it too strongly at the meetings and never when reading the Watchtower, but when I did the field service, I would feel it, sometimes to the extent it would be too much and I would ask for it to be taken away so I could get to sleep.
About half an hour after Baptism, I suddenly felt it pour on the outside of my skin, whereas at all other times it was internal, but due to the teachings of the JWs I never at the time considered it annointing, but looking back, in a literal sence, surely that is what it was?
I have great difficulty in excepting God even likes me, probaly due to my own parents rejection of me, so often it is the action of the Holy Spirit that doesnt make me "directed/guided, etc, it makes me think, yes, God does have a relationship with me.
It was ofet when I felt I have irreversably lost my standing with God, through giving in to masturbatiojn for instance, that I would recieve an even bigger feeling of HS, as if God was reasurring me that he hadnt abandoned me due to my own "sin".
Having left the JWs, and until I tried re-establishing a relationship, I felt nothing, now it seems to depend on how much Iam doing for God, when I pray I feel a little, deep inside so that I know he still listens to me, when I talk to people about God and show them the Bible I experience it more.
Now please folk dont start having a go at me just because I relate the following, all Iam doing is relating it.
I was around my nighbours house and showing her what was in the Bible, I was feeling Gods Spirit as I was doing so, then she suddenly tells me how she can see peoples Auras, and that mine is white.
When I got home I looked up Auras, and it explained what the colours meant, only a couple of sites even mentioned white, and they stated it was only found on very Spiritual people and would have been the colour of Jesus's.
I wonder if this is related to the scripture where it says, "a white robe was given them".
100 watt incandescent bulbs banned: What now?
by WTWizard inthis is a trend throughout the world, and the united tyranny of stupidity has joined the ranks of countries where you can no longer get a 100 watt incandescent light bulb.
next year, the 75 watt bulbs go.
and, in 2016, even the halogen lights that replace them are slated for bans.. where to turn to now?
I bought about 50 100 and 75 watt bulbs from e-Bay, real cheap, should last me the rest of my life, if not I will use candles rather than those toxic CFLs.
Another thing Iam glad I stocked up on, cans of Tuna, I have dozens of them, when ever they where on offer, I bought, in light of Tuna off California now being found to be radioactive from Fukushima,
How many here smoke?
by cantleave ini don't and am very unlikely to after seeing my father dying of a smoking related lung disease (even though i would like to try a high quality cigar).. but i am curious to see how many people take up smoking after leaving the org.. .
I do, and whats more, it doesnt stop me recieving Holy Spirit thereby identifing the JWs stand as being another of their "docrines of men".
When you consider they would stone someone to death (disfellowship), or deny them a relationship with God for something God himself obviously isnt so hung up about, shows what a dangerous religion they are.
I was going to give up again but decided to keep smoking in view of all the Uranium and Plutoniom particles flying around in the air, there is a school of though that suggests the increase in lung cancer isnt as a result of smoking, its a result of all the nucleur bomb testing, smoking makes a suitable scapegoat, whereas smoking has been observed to encourage the lungs to self clean more due to the lung irritation smoking causes.