Jesus came to save sinners.
Sinners get thrown out of the organisation so there isnt much for Jesus to do really.
just thinking out loud becauseof some things my elder brother has said in the past.
how his works help ensure his future w/the great crowd on earth.. .
well, i need jesus for my salvation,but perhaps some of you do not.. just asking.
Jesus came to save sinners.
Sinners get thrown out of the organisation so there isnt much for Jesus to do really.
o m g...(yes that is a very childish reaction...but i couldn't think of a more appropriate expression!).
if you haven't yet read it...please do so..... it is so ridiculous!
so leading, so distorted, and full of "bait and switch" techniques.. "prove you have the truth" seeing how neutral witnesses were in war times?
They should prove they have the truth by demonstrating how Jesus binds Satan for the thousand years when he only has 900 years left to do it in.
given that i know how corrupt, dishonest and evil the watchtower is, i have wondered how to understand a personal experience i had many years ago - long before walking out mid-2009.. after an unusual series of many "co-incidences" on a particular sunday, my friend and i ended up at the door of someone who had been praying to god for someone to be sent to him, and who was expecting us.. i am still convinced it was by divine intervention, but cannot understand why a prayer is answered by sending representatives of an apostate organisation.. also when taking up residence in a foreign country, under very difficult circumstances, i twice ended up "inadvertently" moving in to homes just around the corner from the kh.
on one occasion it was about a 15 metre walk from my front door right into my seat in the kh!.
have you had similar experiences?.
I found God via the JWs house to house work, I also belive the JWs to be pretty much as apostate as all the other religions of Man.
Doesnt mean Jesus cannot find his sheep anywhere they happen to be.
Jesus said the very stones would cry out, and they are not a religion, maybe the illustration of the Kingdom of God being like a dragnet that brings in fish both suitable and unsuitable is applicable here?
I expect Jesus finds his sheep in the Catholic church as well.
The question will be, when Jesus does return, his Sheep will know his voice and fellow the good Shepard wherever he goes, that means they will leave thier Apostate religions, those that worship their religions will remain and not follow the good Shepard, they will not recognise his voice because they prefer the voice of the JW GB
I expect if Satan himself was to appear at peoples doors, horns and all, the experience would make a lot of people jump into Jesus arms.
i am going to be speaking to the 45-55 years old plus generation here.
i bought my first copy around 1980, it was the thing to do because it proved most of christendom's believes came from nimrod, and by the end of the 1980s the book and the name faded away into oblivion.. .
the watchtower use to print that book or distribute it, am i correct or has my memory gotten bad?
Around 1989, I called on a house where the householder had a Witness relative in Australia, it became an RV of mine then one day the householder presented me with a tape his Sister had sent over from Oz of a Public Talk.
Now that talk in hindsight, was just a condensed version of The Two Babylons, it was called, "Satan, the Master Craftsman", you could hear by the background sounds it was a genuine JW Public talk.
That Public talk was the best Public Talk I ever heard, and it wasnt just me, pretty much the whole of the Congregation was copying and distributing that talk amongst themselves.
I expect I still have it somewhere.
we all were told, even in these stupid songs we sang at the kingdom hall that our brothers would die for us because they loved us so much!
they had the love of jesus christ so deep, they would do anything to make sure we stayed aboard the patterson ark.. .
now i can't create a fancy time-line like the july 15, 2013 watchtower that shows all those cool pictures and charts.
For quite a few years, I would still go along to the Memorial, you would think this would have put some of them in mind that maybe I was worth a call, but no, not one Elder in 16 or 17 years, but then again I do live well over 300 metres from 5 Kingdom halls!
just curious to know which scripture that let an average person know that they were of the annointed and what did it mean to you?.
Maybe the OP was looking for the scripture that says they call "Abba Abba", cannot remember where it is.
About half an hour after I was baptised, I felt the Holy Spirit that you normaly feel inside you, I felt it on the outside, starting on my head and running down the outside of my body.
Of Course being a JW indoctrinated with the Great Crowd doctrine, it never occured to me that Holy Spirit being poured on you was actualy annoining, beside I never seemed to have the desire to keep on calling out, "Abba".
Now Iam out and read how John the Baptist said Jesus would Baptise in Holy Spirit, I consider all who are genuine in their Baptism from man, will subsequently recieve the promised Baptism from Christ
i just recently heard about chia seeds and what a good source of energy they are.
has anyone here ever used them, and if so how have you used them?.
"Whether you eat chia gel or just the raw seeds, the hydrophilic action of chia seed will keep you full longer than many other seeds"
the above is quoted from a website that adveritises this stuff, so seems you can eat it raw.
the first thing that needs to be determined is who or what is the wild beast ?......
1and it stood still upon the sand of the sea.. and i saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, and upon its horns ten diadems, but upon its heads blasphemous names.2now the wild beast that i saw was like a leopard, but its feet were as those of a bear, and its mouth was as a lion's mouth.
Whilst it doesnt say how you recieve it, it tells you what it is and why.
New World Order is the Global Government of "Beast" of Revelation 13
It is being orchestrated not by the Catholic Chirch or "false religion", but by global banking which is why Revelation 18 describes the collapse of finance when Babtlon the Great falls.
The mark is the RFID chip implanted in your hand instead of the current credit/debit cards, Aaron Russo says the Rockefellas actualy said to him about this chip, "nobody will be able to buy or sell without it",
It is logical that such a thing will happen, with this chip as the only form of monetary transaction, there will be no tax avoidence when you do a cash in hand job or buy something secondhand from the car boot sale.
i remember reading somewhere in regards to a a 'prophet' of sorts who had predicted all the popes that have been chosen.. his 'prophecy' stated that the next pope (since benedict has resigned) would be the last before the 'end' would come.
his name would be pope peter.. let's see what happens.
we are suppose to know who the next pope will be before easter..
Years ago, long before I was a JW, I heard from I remember not where, that the world ends when we get a Black Pope, so that would be two end of world prophecies this fella could fullfill.
i enjoy watching the questions time in parliament.
american cable companies pay for public affairs programming and we see it on cable.
i particularly liked tony blair.
I work there.
650 MPs, only 440 seats, most will attend Prime Ministers Question time, even though it means some have to sit on the steps, if you saw only "40-60" people in the room, it wasnt PMQ,s, they like to be seen on the telly by the people that voted for them, doing thier job.
One session, the debate was attended by 3 or 4 MPs, and it finished early, hense the next topic for discussion arrived before the interested MPs, so they had to shut up shop for a while, as there was no one there.
Tony Blair only ever arrived for that half hour on Wednesdays for PMQs, at the time he was the least attentive Prime Minister we ever had, I only ever saw him 3 times, on one occassion he passed me in the corridor and gave me what I can only discribe as a sheepish and guilty smile.
As Cedars said, its "theatre", I dont even know why they bother having debates, I wonder if any MP has ever been swayed by hearing the other sides view of a debate, generally MPs will do what the whips tell them voting wise, especially if they want to retain thier party seat at the next election. Dogs could easily be trained to run up the relevant voting lobby, thereby saving the country lots in MPs expenses, but then folk might realise we dont live in a democracy after all.
When Gordon Brown was Prime Minister, he who said nobody could have forseen the current economic collapse after he sold our gold, well his Personal secretary who is an MP herself, was chatting to me as I was taking her into the Prime Ministers suite, she said the internet was the best place to get news from nowadays, I replied, "yes, I read four years ago (a year in advance of the sub-prime mortgages) that the bankers were going to bring about an economic colapse, so I invested all my assets in Gold", you should have seen the look of horror on her face, I allways wonder if she told the PM?