Now bareing in mind that at the end of the 1000 years Satan gathers the Nations together to wage war on the Holy city.
Also bare in mind Isaiah 65 talks about people still dying though 100 years old.
Also supposedly dead people will be weeping and Gnashing thier teeth because they didnt get in.
I wonder if this is what happens, after Jesus returns, his people are gathered to Literal Jerusalem, just as the Hebrews were gathered there previosuly.
They will not die because they will be able to drink from the River of Life that emits from Eziekiels Temple.
People that did not qualify as Christians and that survived the tribulations, will be living in the world just as they do now, but without the Devil stirring things up, so it will be a lot better for them they will however see how they have missed out by not being in the Promised land, hence they will be living people who weep and gnash their teeth outside the city walls.
After the 1000 years, Satan gathers these people, these Nations together, not a load of JWs who failed some mysterious second test.
Gods destruction of disobedient mankind comes at the end of the 1000 years, the destruction of Mankind at the beginning reads to me only those men who actually take up arms against Jesus and his Kingdom, in much the same way the Egyptian army was destroyed, but ordinary Egyptians carried on living.
So to sum up, I think what happened to the Hebrews living in Palestine, is a pattern for what will happen to Christians living as subjects of Jesus here on Earth during his 1000 year reign, both amidst the unGodly Nations of the outside world, and Eziekiels Temple will be in the role of the original Temple but in its full capacity of bringing literal life to its people.
That way, just as the original Nations got to see how much better off mankind was with Jehovah as thier God, the rest of Mankind will even more see the Justification of God by the example of the Christians living forever right in front of thier eyes.
If everone else was dead, how would they get to see they made the wrong decision in rejecting the Christ? All the Nations will know in the end.