"Much evidance makes it abundantly clear that America, Canada, England and Israel are being ruled by the Vatican. Our law in these countries is essentially Roman and Jewish (Judicial) law.
There is much much much more evidance that the Wild Beast is the Vatican and they are using the United Nations as thier tool for world government."
IT is Babylon the Great which rules those countries, Rev 17v18, the Vatican cannot be BTG and the Beast, and it is Babylon the Great who is using the UN as their tool for World Government, the Bible defines the Beast as the resultant united government or New World Order rather than the creator of itself.
So is Rome the great city of Babylon the Great?
Babylon the Great is blamed for killing the Prophets and having the blood of all slain in her skirts Rev 18v24
In Matthew 23v 35and 37, Jesus is attributing to the Jewish leaders and the Great city of Jerusalem the killing of the prophets and all the righteous blood shed on the Earth.
Was Jesus mistaken when he assigned Jersualem the blood guilt of the Prophets if in fact it turned out to be Rome that killed all those Old Testament Prophets?
Or does Jesus just go around accusing anybody he doesnt like on a particular day the blood guilt of all those slain on the Earth?
Whilst it may appear that Catholics still have great influence in world affairs, the same could equally be said about Freemasonry.
How about the school of Historical study that suggests during the Spanish persecution of Jews and the subsequent Spanish Inquisition, the Sanhedrin had issued an edict for Jews to convert to Catholicism in order to subvert and control that religion from within?
The same infultration is reported regarding the Freemasons.
This way you can still incorporate Catholic conspiracies without having to invalidate Jesus words if you consider the Catholics are not at the very top of the Pyramid, it is the so called Jewish Banker Leaders like Rothschild who are, and just as it says in Revelation 2 v 9, they are not even Jewish, they are Russian converts who hide behind the Jews and get them to absorb the hate and persecutions their actions forment.
And when Babylon the Great falls, Revelation 18 describes the total collapse of world commerce, if the Catholic Church collapsed, would that prevent you taking out a loan to buy a new car?
If the worlds Jewish owned Banking system collapsed however, that would.