JoinedTopics Started by qadreena
by qadreena ini remember going on field service with a pioneer sister then afterwards she asked me to accompany her to look in on one of her studies, i said yes and ended up in the house of a really nice indian lady.
my friend had offered to take this lady's daughter off her hands for a while and take her down the park so off we went - nice summer day, we sat while the little girl played on the swings and slides, we brought a bit of food and went back to the park to sit down and eat, as we were eating, the girl started talking about armageddon.
the conversation was getting along nicely - little girl slowly being succesfully brainwashed...... the poor little 8 year old girl ended up in tears - she was scared of the earthquakes and didnt want to die, she didnt want her mother to die, and even though she believed they would both be together in paradise earth, her dad would die and stay dead, nothing my friend could to cheer her up so i coaxed her into going back on the swings and all was well till it was time for her to go home and the tears started again when she told her mother of her concerns.
its not good is it?
by qadreena init makes me so so sad that so many people in the org have been through the abuse thing, before coming on here i thought mine was an isolated case but when i joined these forums, it suddenly hit me about a father and his daughter and two sons being involved in an abuse thing many many years ago, i was very young, the mother took the kids away and became inactive and the father was disfellowsipped and eventually drifted away, there was a lot of gossip but no police involvement.
i am now inspired to write my full story in great detail to silent lambs, although it will take a while to muster up the courage, its easy telling bits and pieces but to tell it fully is a different matter but i *will* do it, im very determined now.
xxx angel xxx
new one!!!
by qadreena inhi, im angel, an ex like many others on here i gather.
ill be on regularly so speak to you all soon.
xxx angel xxx