- What is your name? Angel but this is not my birthname, I've had it changed
- Where were you born? Coventry, England
- Were u raised as a JW? Yes
- If you converted to JW later in life, why?
- When were you baptized a JW? No
- When were you disfellowshipped, or disassociated, and for what? DA'd for running away from home and moving in with a man, he was only a friend but they didn't see it that way
- Are you Married? I got married soon after leaving the 'truth' because it was the only way to stop them pestering me to study again, wrong I know but I was only 19 and very naive, seemed like the easiest way out at the time. We divorced but are still good friends and am now living with my fiance & planning on getting married this year
- Did you ever pioneer/aux pioneer? How long? I worked pioneer hours with a baptised friend of mine for just over 2 years
- If you are Dfed or D A ed, do any active witnesses still talk to you in secret? I had a friend who did but the guilt ate at her and she slowly disappeared from my life
- Which teachings of the WTBTS do you disagree with the most? Quite a few
- Which Teachings of the WTBTS do you agree with still? One or two
- If you could take any of it back, would u? No, too claustrophobic for me
- What was your worst experience at the door in the field service? Being forced to have my turn on a door when I knew the lad who lived there was a lad I fancied at school
- What was your best experience in field service? Coffee and snack time which meant me and my friend would sit in a local cafe and stare at the guy we fancied who worked there :)
- What was the last memorial u attended? The one after I left, memorial was still important to me then. I never got welcomed so never went back again
- What is one thing you wish you could say now that your eyes have been opened to an active witness? I don't *have* to be your friend now but I wish I could have the chance to *choose* to be your freind
- Did you have to go through therapy after leaving? Yes, for many years
- how did you deprogram yourself from WT thinking? Yes, through drink and drugs, that did it LOL
- Has anyone else quit the religion because you left? Not that I know of
- What’s the craziest thing you ever heard at the kingdom hall? I was active in a different congregation, got the elders there to approve me moving there because it was doing me a lot of good, my father agreed and spoke to elders at my cong asking if I could move to the other comg. The elders answer was 'You should be with your family' That was a crazy thing in my opion, I was 17, had a mind of my own and was reaching for baptism due to being in the other cong so it was the best move for me. This is what caused me to leave
- Have you spoken to any witnesses who came to your door after you were Dfed about what you know now? Yes, my brother who is still an active witness, probably an elder or something by now
- What teachings do you think the society should throw out? Quite a lot, they should be more flexible with modern times
- What did you do to your literature after you quit? Kept it in the loft, left it behind at my old house when I moved, should have thrown it out
- Have you been to an APOSTAFEST, and was it fun? No
- Did you go sex crazy when you left? A bit
- Did you dye your hair, get a tattoo, or pierce yourself? I dyed my hair every color I could, it is now pink and has been for years. I have 13 piercings but havent got round to tattooing yet
- Have you picketed a convention yet, or will you? Not yet
- Do you have any regrets? My main regret is that I dont speak to my brother enough
- Do you think you will ever recover fully? Never
- Would you ever go back? No way
JoinedPosts by qadreena
The Ultimate APOSTATE SURVEY!!! Check it out!! please respond!! ^_^
by NaruNaruChan inok, we all get them in the mail, but here's one geared towards us that i just wrote up.
feel free to add to it, as i'd love for it to go around a bit ^_^ .
copy and paste this into your response box because i just wrote it and i figure whattheheck, this could be good!!!
What Were You Told That You Had To Work on By The Elders?
by minimus inthe elders feel obliged to have you work on at least, something.
what did they tell you?
'I think you should work toward getting baptised now, here, study with this sister'
I had never spoken to this sister before and she always looked down at me, oh yeah, did I mention she slapped me across the face for leaving a dirty plate on her table instead of taking it to the sink thats why I stopped stusying with her and ultimatley never got baptised LOL
UK JWs Commit Suicide
by blondie inhttp://www.mirror.co.uk/news/allnews/page.cfm?objectid=12848625&method=full&siteid=50143&headline=suicide%20tourists
suicide tourists
by justine smith and rosa prince
oops forgot
I am in the UK
UK JWs Commit Suicide
by blondie inhttp://www.mirror.co.uk/news/allnews/page.cfm?objectid=12848625&method=full&siteid=50143&headline=suicide%20tourists
suicide tourists
by justine smith and rosa prince
I also know someone who comited suicide
She was also irregular at meetings and actually missed a meeting to take her life
The funeral was held at the local crematorium, not the kingdom hall, I was very young and have never pursued the reason why
Do You Consider Yourself A Stronger Person Since Your Eyes Have Opened?
by minimus insince you've learned the truth about the "truth", do you feel emotionally, mentally and spiritually stronger?
Began feeling wiser not long after leaving but have only felt stronger in the last year or so after getting over all my issues (yeah theyre still there but I'm strong enough to get over it now)
When I was with em I was very quiet and inside myself but now very outgoing and extrovert which I do believe is the 'real me'
If i was still a witness I'd still be very introvert and probably a lot more miserable than I have been since leaving
The "Security" Of Being A Jehovah's Witness
by minimus ini am convinced that many witnesses are happy that they are in this religion because they are told exactly what to do and how to think.
it gives them a sense of security.
they don't have to blame themselves for anything.
I was always the quiet one
Didn't know I could think for myself till I left and found myself without the security of the witnesses
It was very liberating when I realised not only could I do what I wanted but I could also think how I wanted
I was in secondry school during being with the JW's
I was brought up JW so on leaving school got a part-time job and did pioneer hours (wasnt baptised)
Upon leaving the witnesses, I left my job and didn't work for quite a few years
It's only recently I have settled down and started my own business with no college or further education, I was partying too much LOL
Brothers/Sisters you disliked
by JH in.
even if everybody calls themselves brothers and sisers in the congregation, were there some in your congregation that you just couldn't stand?.
There was a 'perfect' family in my congregation, they could never do a thing wrong, not even the kids
Think the lad was the same age as me
So when all us teens are out doing the usual smoking round the corner bit and all the sisters and brothers knew what was going on, they werent stupid. Were suspicious of all of us I reckon (and rightly so, always got to keep an eye on the rebellious teenagers right?) but not this young brother though. Oh nooo, he was the perfect one
Well, he used to hang around with us and we saw what he got up to alright, probably more than we did as well. I think I dislike his parents most of all for thinking that he would never do anything wrong, even though he is a teenager just like all of us
Thing that got me though, he never told his parents he hung around with us so we ended up disliking him quite a bit for that, he always told his parents that he had decided to up his hours in the field service. Now what parent in their right mind would beleive that from a 15 year old? Not me
Rate your congreagation
by Hamas inaylestone congreagation leicester ; what a place that was.. we were so starved for laughter we used to laugh at the slightest thing; you remember how witnesses are deprived of true humour so they must negotiate with anything they hear slightly funny ?
that was what it was like for us at aylestone.. it was like sitting in a morgue.
we lost a great elder;- fantastic laugh.
My brother is in brum now with his wife, still a witness but dont ask me where cos he doesnt keep in touch
I'm still in Cov but not in ANY cong, would not go back again, my mums sister are still all witnesses in wyken (Last I heard they were anyway) and blank me whenever they pass me in the street so theres no way I'm taking that treatment in their own congregation
Rate your congreagation
by Hamas inaylestone congreagation leicester ; what a place that was.. we were so starved for laughter we used to laugh at the slightest thing; you remember how witnesses are deprived of true humour so they must negotiate with anything they hear slightly funny ?
that was what it was like for us at aylestone.. it was like sitting in a morgue.
we lost a great elder;- fantastic laugh.
Oh poor little me who hasn't posted in such a long time returns to say ......
I'll rate mine for sure
Wyken, Coventry UK 0/10 LOL
They sucked badly :( Had no idea how to treat a little rebel like me, just shunned me and wouldnt let me move to another congregation at my dads request cos I was getting more help there with my studying than anywhere else
There again, I wouldnt have left if it wasnt forthe elders decisions that I should 'Stay where my family is' so its kinda a good thing I suupose LOL