God Bless you and keep you safe so that you become an instrument of his peace.
my life story leaving jw's came out in the following newspaper article.
thought i'd share it with all of you.. i was an elder for 8 years.
for 2. left in 2002.. .
God Bless you and keep you safe so that you become an instrument of his peace.
hi all i was wondering has anyone here been on this site,.
this fellow is on a mission big time.
Hi all i was wondering has anyone here been on this site,
This fellow is on a mission big time
hey guys, .
one of my closest friends told me that when he was 15, he went to get his palm read by a witch.
she told him that he would be dead by the time he was 35. .
My expereience of mediums over the years have been very positive,when i first ever had a sitting with one i was amazed by what she said that i had to know more of all this,so i was on a mission to find out and 20yrs later i have a wealth of information
A genuine medium would never tell a person they were going to die,those that go under the guise of mediums and say things like this should be exposed as frauds. A witch is a term used by the church to describe mediums, healers, herbalists,palm readers and the like,anything that swayed people from the teachings of the bible were classed has demonic and called witches, remember the witch hunts and the dark ages,millions of men women and children were slaughtered or burned at the stake when the church went on their murderous rampage.
Joan of Arc was burnt as a witch because she heard voices.
My experience was quite unique. Through a medium my dad was reunited with a brother and 3 sisters he never knew he had and 70yrs had gone by,it was his mother who my dad had not seen since he was 3yrs old that gave the information to the medium who passed it on to me during a sitting. We had an emotional reunion 2yrs ago,my dad was given a photo of his mum whom he'd not seen since he was 3yrs and the uncanny thing was i am her walking double.I didn't class this as just entertainment and i certainly don't see it as demonic.
I suggest investigating this subject with an open mind.
i'm feeling very minimus like today...i thought we could have some fun with this one...
when i see all the kind and loving things WORDLY people do in the ' WORLD ' I say more power to the devils elbow,other than that the big D never enters my head.
my eldest granddaughter is 19 today.
that sure makes me feel old.
okay, she is a step granddaughter, but she's been ours since she was 3, so i rarely remember that part.
you sound to me like a lovely caring grandma,a long time ago before his mum went back to being a jw i used to say happy birthday to my 1st grandchild, then as he grew older i used to whisper happy birthday in his ear,then one day he said Nana i don't have birthdays i was gutted. After all these years i still feel bitter towards his mum because of that,this was my 1st grandchild for heavens sake.
On a happier not i will be seeing one of my other grandchildren who is a big 2 on tuesday and his mum (my daughter )will fly in from Greece on Monday ,i haven't seen them both since Jan. My grandson whos name is Angelos calls me YaYa the greek term for grandma, Claire wants him to call me Grandma because i am his english grandma but i love how he calls me YaYa its sounds really cute.
A big happy birthday to Hailey and if i'd have known sooner i would have made her a special cake as i am a production manager for a cake company i would have made it myself.
after 40 years of serving as a regular pioneer and being on the infirm list, the circuit overseer, the po and another elder told her today in a 30 min.
conversation she was going to be announced as no longer pioneering.
the co mostly talked about me, my wife and daughter.
what would the "jw" opinion of reiki be?
my daughter is currently taking a level one course.
her jw boyfriend just phoned and when i said she was at reiki, there was a pause and then he asked "what's that?
Hi Kis
Reiki is the japanese word for universal life energy. In the Usui system of Natural Healing,a person attending a Reiki course recieves what is called attunements that help open them up to recieve more of this energy through the laying on of hands.I have personally experienced Reiki and decided to be attuned myself,i am a 2nd degree student and i use Reiki often with very good results.If you want to know more there are lots of books on the market explaining about it.
i haven't been here in a long time so i'd like to say hi again.. i do want to share something with you if i may.
over a period of time my grandson who is 15 has been allowed to come over and stay with us as my yougest son is his uncle who is 16 they got on so well together talking football and rapping music.he would phone my son on a regular basis,and then his mother said he could stay over sometimes.the more he stayed with us the more he opened up about what was happening to him at home,he told me he didn't want to be a jw and was always rebellious towards it this i always knew.he is only allowed out with jw friends he he is monitered whilst on his computer and when he phoned my son his mum or dad(my eldest son)were always present.so he wasn't allowed a private phone call,my grandson told me that his mum and his dad were hitting him really hard and on several occasions he wanted to leave home.. i listened intently and felt sad and disappointed that he was being treated in this way as his dad was never treated that way as a child.my eldest son married a jw girl and after a few years i saw the change in him.
my daughter-in-law however is a control freak and she was hitting my grandson when he was a toddler as i threatened her once i would report her, not long after they moved to another area.. time went by and normality resumed.anyway,my grandson was telling me that his mother is bombarding him about armageddon and that if he dosen't conform he will die with no hope,he said nan i don't really believe that.
thankyou ceriserose for your comments all of which have been noted,i will ask my 16yr old son to phone he may not get any respone,i know that Cal is very often grounded which restricts him somewhat as to phoning on a pay phone. I am thinking about calling the school though and ask to keep it confidential.
Thanks again
i haven't been here in a long time so i'd like to say hi again.. i do want to share something with you if i may.
over a period of time my grandson who is 15 has been allowed to come over and stay with us as my yougest son is his uncle who is 16 they got on so well together talking football and rapping music.he would phone my son on a regular basis,and then his mother said he could stay over sometimes.the more he stayed with us the more he opened up about what was happening to him at home,he told me he didn't want to be a jw and was always rebellious towards it this i always knew.he is only allowed out with jw friends he he is monitered whilst on his computer and when he phoned my son his mum or dad(my eldest son)were always present.so he wasn't allowed a private phone call,my grandson told me that his mum and his dad were hitting him really hard and on several occasions he wanted to leave home.. i listened intently and felt sad and disappointed that he was being treated in this way as his dad was never treated that way as a child.my eldest son married a jw girl and after a few years i saw the change in him.
my daughter-in-law however is a control freak and she was hitting my grandson when he was a toddler as i threatened her once i would report her, not long after they moved to another area.. time went by and normality resumed.anyway,my grandson was telling me that his mother is bombarding him about armageddon and that if he dosen't conform he will die with no hope,he said nan i don't really believe that.
thankyou franklin j your comments brought a tears to my eyes,Cal knows i love him dearly,when they all came over as a family i made a bee line for my grandkids, when they were leaving i'd kiss them and whisper in their ears i love you because i knew that the environment they were in was opressive.
thankyou so much for your comments
i haven't been here in a long time so i'd like to say hi again.. i do want to share something with you if i may.
over a period of time my grandson who is 15 has been allowed to come over and stay with us as my yougest son is his uncle who is 16 they got on so well together talking football and rapping music.he would phone my son on a regular basis,and then his mother said he could stay over sometimes.the more he stayed with us the more he opened up about what was happening to him at home,he told me he didn't want to be a jw and was always rebellious towards it this i always knew.he is only allowed out with jw friends he he is monitered whilst on his computer and when he phoned my son his mum or dad(my eldest son)were always present.so he wasn't allowed a private phone call,my grandson told me that his mum and his dad were hitting him really hard and on several occasions he wanted to leave home.. i listened intently and felt sad and disappointed that he was being treated in this way as his dad was never treated that way as a child.my eldest son married a jw girl and after a few years i saw the change in him.
my daughter-in-law however is a control freak and she was hitting my grandson when he was a toddler as i threatened her once i would report her, not long after they moved to another area.. time went by and normality resumed.anyway,my grandson was telling me that his mother is bombarding him about armageddon and that if he dosen't conform he will die with no hope,he said nan i don't really believe that.
balsam thank you for your advice and thanks for inviting me to send you a message i am going to contact the school i think that is the best way forward,i'd rather do that than contact my son as he already has said it is nothing to do with me.Will the school keep it confidential between me and my grandson?