TOS deals with many social and religious issues without offending one group or another. It was genius to say the least! I grew up with TNG and have a special place in my heart for Data, Cpt Pacard, Geordi la forge, Worfe, Wesley Crusher, Riker, Deanna Troy, and the rest of the cast.
JoinedPosts by thecrushed
How an original STAR TREK episode nearly cost me my first JW marriage in its first year...true story I find funny/sad
by oompa inso i'm 21, just married, and raised in my fathers image and thank god he liked sci-fi...a genre i was able to escape to new worlds in.
he even took me to a trekkie covention when i was albout 12 at the greensboro coliseum and it was packed.
we had watched every episode over and over...i thought.
king,,,,,,,dumb,,,,,,,hall,,,,,,,,????????How stupid are these mindless idiots?
by witchtowerwitch inafter 130 years of false prophecying,like 20 false armageddon dates,russels witchtower pyramid measurements @1914,,hehehe lol,and every other flip flop teaching,like all of them,like the expanded 1914 generation?come on people,get real with this sxxt ok?then their is the 8th king membership for about 10 years?how can the dubs stay in there and swallow all of this nonsense is beyond me ok?i can't go on about these fools any more,it is just too sad people,to see good hearted witchtowerite like christians being mislead down a road to no where okay?soon the truth about the truth will be seen by all,,,hehehe lol,,,!the only difference between these cultist and the jxxxs compound,is the missing vat of purple koolaid?most of them know that something is very wrong,but they have a social club to maintain,and besides,they all have way too much pride to admit that their teachings are all wrong,and they have infested their whole lives into that church,some over 60 years okay,so to leave now would mean that their whole life as a witness was all for nothing,and that is a reality that they refuse to think about or accept!glad i'm out of there now for over 25 years!.
new blight new blight i heard a brand new lie. those witnesses that know about the false prophesies and lies are hopeless. those that dont know are more likely to be jolted awake if only they have the courage to ask questions and seek the answers.
im gonna a have to disagree with u witchtowerwitch. im a third gen witness and my grandfather had a genius iq who wrote countless pieces of poetry and invented many things which he never bothered to patent. he knew trigonometry and helped design his sons house. he read and studied history and of course the bible. he served as an elder for many years before he passed away. ive also known a geologist, physicist and many genious computer programmers trapped in the witchtower. many talented frustrated musicians like myself also exist. it really has nothing to do with intellect although i admit stupid people can be easy prey for them.
we are all guilty of making blanket statements out of frustration so im not going to be all bent out of shape over it. just trying to keep things in perspective.
Some "Publisher" Is A Rat Here! The Elder's Are Inquiring If I Am Apostate Material!
by Sunflower Samurai ini knew this party was too good to last, some inquiring mind is a troll (yes, here on jwn we have moles!
), i think we have a rat here!
i don't feel like "apostate material" and i am not the only one who is going down for this offense!
1984 1984 1984 1984 1984!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry
A heart-wrenching comment from the JW survey...
by cedars ini've just received this comment from a country in the south china sea.
i'd rather not be more specific than that.. the english is poor, but the message is heart-wrenching.
any who question whether ordinary publishers wrestle with doubts need only read this message.
this is both encouraging and heart wrenching. i remember the anxiety i felt as i realized that the gb was an evil slave. they have had my family hostage for 3 generations! i knew in that fateful moment the heavy price i will have to pay for my thought crimes.
Russia:Moscow May 22: "Earlier, the claimants stated that the watchdog's orders were unlawful, as publishing and distributing media are its core economic activities"
by BroMac in
moscow, may 22 - rapsi.
the moscow district federal commercial court has suspended until may 29 its hearing of jehovah's witnesses' complaint about the ban on its awake!
Just got an email from a few JW's about the russians labeling the religion a totalitarian sect. Duh! but not the hysteria is reaching a fevor pitch because they see this as of course persecution and an all out assault by govts on Jehovah's eyeball. OH brother!
You & Your Family Will Be Harmed If You Dont Obey The FDS 8/15/12 WT
by yourmomma inhere is a quote from the 8/15/12 watchtower study simplified edition that just was posted on on page 13 paragraph 12 it says "those who ignore the warnings from the faithful and discreet slave will harm themselves and those they love.".
also, another doozy is earlier on paragraph it likens those who have not read social networking articles from the faithful slave before using, "is like taking a powerful medicine without first reading the warning on the bottle.".
im not even done reading this whole magazine yet, but i thought i'd share these insane comments.
i hope they get sloppy and careless with there self incriminating reteric . sooner or later people will start to wake up faster and faster i would think. gives the govt reason to shut them down too.
I can't take it anymore!
by OneDayillBeFree inthe lying, the faking and pretending, the hiding, the endless mind-numbing meetings, service, preaching, assemblies, everything!.
most of the time i can handle it quite well.
but not today.
I'm going through the same feelings myself and I totally understand your pain we share it. The grip in getting tighter in the GB reteric and as it does I think it will be its downfall. There is only so small the box can get till you sufficate. Remember to breath and I mean that literally and metaphorically. I started medicating with alcohol and now I'm starting to replace it with avid reading of everything from the bible to science and evolution.
Is this summation of the JW preaching work fair?
by nicolaou in.
"if you consistently reject our message you will deserve the death our god brings upon you"..
Don't forget those like myself who actually at one time was extremely distressed that billions of people would die if I didn't go out and try and save them. Some JW's truly want to save people from destruction not just what they can get out of it. Even though misguided these minority JW's are at least doing it for the right reason.
6/15 WT - WT Society can Run it's Business - but JW's Can't Have their Own
by flipper inin the typical do as we say , not as we do type mentality - the wt society puts forth in this current wt study article ( jw's only wt ) - that it's not " advisable " or " reasonable " for jehovah's witnesses to seek entering their own business ventures , or further themselves by getting a college education, or even have a career - due to the imminent coming of the alleged " end of the system " or alleged " paradise " .
the guilt and control used here is ridiculous.
in the article titled , " why put jehovah's service first ?
Great!!! now on top of all the other BS I'm dealing with I'm going to get flack for starting my own biz which I have definent plans to do! My wife is gonna read this and go bonkers again on me. sigh................... and they swear this isn't a cult!
9:40 Symposium:Motivate Right hearted Ones to Love . . . Their Spiritual Father (Acts 13:48; 16:14) Their Spiritual Mother (Proverbs 6:20)
by wolfman85 inthis is a topic for dc 2012. it turns out that more than 7 million jw are not the spiritual children of god to the wt, the most we can hope for is to be his friends.
are we or are we not spiritual children of god?
the truth is that this organization has made us spiritual bastards.. the other theme of "spiritual mother" has pagan and idolatrous connotations.
*pukes* I may be forced to attend this convention. Should I take careful notes and put them up on JWN for disection? oh wait did I see that they are releasing the outlines?