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JoinedPosts by thecrushed
The Truth hurts youtube vid by PennyRed
by thecrushed ini found her video very heartfelt, emotional and poignant.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngb5fety7nq&feature=g-all-f. .
The Truth hurts youtube vid by PennyRed
by thecrushed ini found her video very heartfelt, emotional and poignant.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngb5fety7nq&feature=g-all-f. .
I found her video very heartfelt, emotional and poignant.
Watchtower explains why it's NOT a Cult
by JWOP inhere is a youtube video showing a wt article trying to explain how it is not a cult, but contradicts itself and undoes their own reasoning:.
just watched that one an hour ago. That was priceless!!! *hugs* JWfairytale
Greetings! My first post
by BU2B inhello all at jwn!
i have been a lurker here the last few months and have been going through the process of researching both sides of the story of jehovahs witnesses.
i was raised in the borg, got married and now have a young child.. my wife is very much dedicated to the organization and will justify anything the "slave" does putting it off on the borgs imperfection.
I'm in a very parallel situation. I recently awoke and my wife is still in although she is extremely depressed, drinking heavily, and dealing with a very manipulative JW mother. Please PM if you wanna talk, say hi, or otherwise cry on my shoulder. :) Fortunately for me we never had kids and I aim to keep it that way.
Just wondering, who here is still a JW? x
by snare&racket injust wondering who here still attends meetings, and lives the jw life?
i guess its interesting for the context of peoples comments.
also does anyone have a position such as pioneer, ms, elder etc ?.
I'm still technically in but I stopped going to meetings. My wife is still in and I'm trying to widdle away at her but ever since I gave up she has stepped up her efforts to be a good example and go out in field circus. My father just moved back into my congregation to keep tabs on us. I'm sure he will be pressuring us both like crazy when he finds out just how much we both miss the meetings.
Sparlock worked his magic this weekend!
by 00DAD inyes it's true, i got to experience first hand the awesome magic powers of sparlock, the warrior wizard!tm.
this last weekend a friend of mine asked me if i could take him to the mechanic's to pick up his car after being serviced.
now this friend of mine (who is not and has never been a jw) is the the one and only friend that i've remained in constant contact with through the dark quarter century of my life when i was a witness.
i dread having to hear my mil drone on and on about what a loving provision this is from jeeehover after this weekend. this cartoon makes me sick and very thankful for birth ctrl! i just showed the u tube vids of spurlock to a worldly friend the other day and even his 10 yr old son saw it as obvious mind ctrl cult bs.
The WT doesn't believe in infant baptism, but does an 11 year old really understand what they're getting into isn't just a pool with a lot of people looking on?
by oppostate ina scene from today's "safeguard your heart" district convention of jehovah's witnesses.
(with thanks to ignacio luis gutierrez).
This makes me sick. Oh wait almost everything going on in the WTS makes me sick *puke*!
Watchtower's Billion Dollars of Property Cannot Be Sold until Outcome of Conti Appeal
by Dogpatch in30 minutes ago i just got off the phone with some important players in this case, and some things were relayed to me concerning a lot of details of the outcome of the last two days of court.
i am passing this on.
cynthia hampton, one of the main players in the candace conti case (and a close friend of 28 years), just informed me of a further, far more powerful move by the state of california against the watch tower bible and tract society of new york, inc.. by order of the superior court of the state of california - county of alameda (see documents below), until the watch tower's appeal, which won't begin until august 13th and will take up to two years to settle due to due process of law, has forbidden the watch tower to sell any more of its $1 billion in assets in the borough of brooklyn until the appeals case is finished, to assure they won't shelter their monies in the light of this most huge and devastating sexual abuse scandal ever to hit the watch tower society, and perhaps any other single-victim lawsuit.
The Witnesses stance on seeing a psychologist?
by Bells incan anyone clear this up for me?.
i was under the impression that witnesses were strongly discouraged from seeking help from any therapist / psychologist outside of the organisation.
this always made sense to me because i'd imagine that many psychologists would realise that a witness belongs to a very high control group once they start speaking to them.. .
I can speak from experience since I've already been in a fight with my wife about seeing a therapist. She told me she was extremely disapointed that I chose to see a therapist instead of going to the elders with my issues. Whatever you read in the watchtower is just doublespeak lipservice. I will point out that they have no problem with psychiatrists because they just pump you full of drugs and don't try and talk to you about your issues.
king,,,,,,,dumb,,,,,,,hall,,,,,,,,????????How stupid are these mindless idiots?
by witchtowerwitch inafter 130 years of false prophecying,like 20 false armageddon dates,russels witchtower pyramid measurements @1914,,hehehe lol,and every other flip flop teaching,like all of them,like the expanded 1914 generation?come on people,get real with this sxxt ok?then their is the 8th king membership for about 10 years?how can the dubs stay in there and swallow all of this nonsense is beyond me ok?i can't go on about these fools any more,it is just too sad people,to see good hearted witchtowerite like christians being mislead down a road to no where okay?soon the truth about the truth will be seen by all,,,hehehe lol,,,!the only difference between these cultist and the jxxxs compound,is the missing vat of purple koolaid?most of them know that something is very wrong,but they have a social club to maintain,and besides,they all have way too much pride to admit that their teachings are all wrong,and they have infested their whole lives into that church,some over 60 years okay,so to leave now would mean that their whole life as a witness was all for nothing,and that is a reality that they refuse to think about or accept!glad i'm out of there now for over 25 years!.
steve amen brother!