Encouraging news INDEED! Thanks for sharing.
JoinedPosts by Quandary
Got Some Encouraging "Bad" JW News
by Seeker4 inan active jw was in touch with me yesterday, and we were catching up on a few things.
i found out that a witness i was friends with just daed.
he went to college and i'd always wondered if he has as much trouble with the jws as i thought he might.
The growing irrelevance of the Watchtower message
by drew sagan inin many ways it appears as if the watchtower movement is slowing down.
a number of changes over the last few years certainly show that the watchtower is in a period of transition.
they have cut back on the number of magazines they print as well as lowered the cost of production by eliminating things like hard backed books.
Not one single thing they teach falls very far from the "time of the end is upon us" tree. The "time of the end" story is the Jehovah's Witness version of easter bunny and santa claus. The irrelevance of it is that not many Witnesses actually believe in it any more - they are there for social reasons, family pressures, just plain habit of momentum, or off on some sad elder/governing body power trip. They are just going through the motions of the belief in the immediate end of the world.
Totally agree with your point James!
The growing irrelevance of the Watchtower message
by drew sagan inin many ways it appears as if the watchtower movement is slowing down.
a number of changes over the last few years certainly show that the watchtower is in a period of transition.
they have cut back on the number of magazines they print as well as lowered the cost of production by eliminating things like hard backed books.
A couple of years ago I was having a discussion with a fellow elder who is an old timer, grandfather came in during CTR's time, anyway, he was reasoning that if Jehovah waited 120 years for Noah's generation when the earth's population was only a few hundred million (I don't know how he arrived at that figure) are we to expect that he would show a less patient attitude with 6 billion people? Thinking back, I think his logic may have been influenced by the W article I referenced earlier.
The growing irrelevance of the Watchtower message
by drew sagan inin many ways it appears as if the watchtower movement is slowing down.
a number of changes over the last few years certainly show that the watchtower is in a period of transition.
they have cut back on the number of magazines they print as well as lowered the cost of production by eliminating things like hard backed books.
I know- The JWs will ALWAYS be an eschatological religion. It's in their genes!
The growing irrelevance of the Watchtower message
by drew sagan inin many ways it appears as if the watchtower movement is slowing down.
a number of changes over the last few years certainly show that the watchtower is in a period of transition.
they have cut back on the number of magazines they print as well as lowered the cost of production by eliminating things like hard backed books.
I believe some have construed statements like the following from W12/15/03 to suggest the GB is toying with 120 year period of preaching from 1914 which would bring us to 2034.
In Noah’s day, Jehovah declared: "My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years." (Genesis 6:3) The issuance of this divine decree in 2490 B.C.E. marked the beginning of the end for that ungodly world. Just think what that meant for those then living! Only 120 years more and Jehovah would bring "the deluge of waters upon the earth to bring to ruin all flesh in which the force of life is active from under the heavens."—Genesis 6:17.
Noah received the warning of the upcoming catastrophe decades in advance, and he wisely used the time to prepare for survival. "After being given divine warning of things not yet beheld," says the apostle Paul, "[Noah] showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household." (Hebrews 11:7) What about us? Some 90 years have passed since the last days of this system of things began in 1914. We are certainly in "the time of the end." (Daniel 12:4) How should we respond to warnings we have been given? "He that does the will of God remains forever," states the Bible. (1 John 2:17) Now is therefore the time to do Jehovah’s will with a keen sense of urgency.Q
The Koolaid is ready!!!!
by whereami ine-mail going around jw land.. .
illustration about obedience given by a brother at a new kingdom hall in new england:.
'...do you realize that in the bible there are many instances of situations where jehovah's people were given directions that made no sense from a human standpoint and seemed totally illogical?
'Do you have the faith to follow the direction of the faithful and discreet slave in these last days even if you don't understand what they are asking and it seems as if you will die because the direction is illogical? Will you quickly obey and trust the channel Jehovah is using?'
If this doesn't scream C U L T to whoever hears or reads it, they would have to be completely brainwashed!!
This is scary stuff-
Painfully Long Prayers on the last day of the 3-day Conventions.
by blkblk13 inanyone else hate this practice?
uve been sitting all day 4 three days @ this place and u just wanna hurry up and finish ur cleaning assignment so u can go out to eat w/ ur friends, but bro.
special speaker from bethel/or do has to give a one man symposium during his prayer recapping every single moment of the past 3 days.. its like they have this formula that they use to determine how long a prayer should be.
The all time worst District Convention concluding prayer of all time that I had the misfortune of enduring through, was the year I was dunked, Fred Franz was in town vactioning and just dropped by to give the concluding
prayerlecture. He droned on and on for over 10 minutes, I was looking at my watch the whole time. What a gas bag!!Q
WTS Will Stop Charging Interest on Loans
by doinmypart inthe org will stop charging interest on kh building fund loans effective sep 1, 2008. current loan payment amounts will remain the same so the loans can be paid off sooner.. congregations should continue to donate to the kh building fund, and publishers can donate directly to the fund by sending donations directly to the branch.
congregations are encouraged to forward surplus congregation and operating funds to the branch until the time those funds are needed by the congregation (this was actually read to the congregation...talk about full disclosure).. this is for all branches and congregations, not just the u.s..
When was this letter read?
News from Mother ship
by jefferywhat in1. bethel in ny suspect high level apostate, cant identify it but know its there.
2. major organizational changes about to start rolling out, one is changes to the "service committee" and titles, po to be done away with, thats all i know for now.
was told that if you are the sort of person that cant handle changes, you wont stay in the org for long.
Actually, they are already registered as Jehovah's Christian Witnesses in one European country for the past ten years. Maybe they will make it the official worldwide name. Just speculating.
Calling all ELDERS
by The Oracle inif you are an elder who frequents this site, please let me know.. i am trying to connect (completely anonymously - your privacy is assured) with as many elders as i can.
i know that there are hundreds of elders in the same position as myself (have had our awakening and have come to realize that "the truth" is a sham).. i encourage you to continue to serve as an elder and for you to work together with other like minded elders as a collective force for true good.
there is much we can do from the inside to help the cause.. there are thousands and indeed millions of kind and honest hearted people whose only crime is that they have allowed themselves to be deceived and are still active jws.
Any more updates about the success of your efforts? I truly wish you TONS of success!! I personally will be doing a complete fade by summer's end. I can't waste anymore of my life in the LIE! I have mentioned my serious doubts to two of my closest friends in the org. They sympathize but currently cannot make any moves because of family ties. The way I am planning to fade, my family ties will not be shaken. I can't expound now, but will be able to give my complete story in a few months.