Is there an update as to the outcome of May 8th's events?
JoinedPosts by Quandary
Wow a great Calgary Herald article - "Looking for high drama..." About Hughes lawsuit
by AndersonsInfo in
by juliet guichon, dr. ian mitchell and michael duggan, for the calgary herald.
if you are looking for high drama that hollywood might one day package and sell, you need go no further than downtown calgary's transcanada pipelines tower at 10 o'clock this morning, when the court of appeal will convene.. .
Calling the Borg "Mother"
by Iwonder17 inhey all,.
i have noticed many of the elders in my hall are now calling the wtbs "mother" from the stage during their talks now.
it happens at least once per meeting.
Over the years they have based the term "mother' applying to the "faithful slave" very loosely on Galatians 4:26: "But the Jerusalem that is above is free, which is our mother." ASV- However, Paul was saying that the Jerusalem above was his and his counterparts' mother. How they stretched it to apply to them is anybody's guess. We all know how convuluded and utterly nonsensical is their theology! Anyway, recently the CO mentioned in the elders' meeting, that we should NOT be using the term. He did not refer to a directive from the CCOJW, he just corrected one of the "yes" men in the group after he used the term in his comment.
Q -
What Gilead Taught ME
by AllTimeJeff inthey mean the leadership.
all of this is code for: one who is not ready to really study and accept how the leadership of jehovah's witnesses use the bible to their own self serving means.
but to be fair, jw's teach that most all of these characters refer to the leadership of jehovah's witnesses, the governing body.
Thank you ATJ! Eloquently stated!
My AHA moment came about 12 years ago, I had recently been appointed an elder and was attending my first KM school which was taught mainly by our DO. During one of the sessions, he made an off the cuff comment about Freddy Franz and how the Teaching Committee had tried for many years to change the "understanding" of the 1914 generation but Freddy would not hear of it! They had to wait until he died to change the understanding, which, as of this year has changed again! I remember thinking to myself, this whole FDS "class" teaching is bogus, in Franz's day FDS=FF. I remember commenting to some fellow elders later that evening, as we were eating, how the comment really bothered me, our doctrine had nothing to do with God's spirit directing the proper understanding, it was FF's theology. We all agreed that the comment was weird, but never spoke about it again.
Thanks again for an excellent post!
The most stupid thing a sister said to me
by Newborn inone of my "so called" closest sister friend in the congregation, said to me when we once had lunch that "if i was a man, i would want to have an affair with you"!!!
i just went numb...what a crazy thing to say.
i think she revealed her sick deep thoughts.
She was probably testing the waters to see if you felt the same way and wanted to get something going. Or she could have been hoping to find someone she could be open with about this desire she had for other women without being burned at the stake. I'm sure that there are lot of witnesses both male and female in this position that have to repress who they are and have no one discuss this with without being judged a have their whole life explode in front of them.
I Q- Very well said!
Anyone know Franz said Armagedon originally in 1974 then 75 then 76!!
by Witness 007 ini remember a watchtower on adam and eve's creation from the late 1950's saying that 6,000 years ends in 1974!!!!
then we know in the late !960's it was 1975.....and if i'm not wrong in crisis of conscience ray said that franz's again wanted to change the date to 1976 i think...but knorr questioned him over it........anyone have this info.
it's hard to find.
I am thoroughly convinced that Fred Franz was a real nutjob!
Well, Well, seems the global economy is falling apart more & more
by unbaptized inis it just me or does it seem like a major tribulation brewing?
JWs and all other fundy apocalyptic groups with PHds in eschatology ( a little sarcasm) really need to give it a rest! They really have NO idea of what the future holds as is evidenced by the fact that ALL predictions they have made have turned out to be utterly false! Everything they preach is pure conjecture, complete speculation and nothing more! I want nothing to do with guesses anymore, give me facts, just the facts please!
Well, Well, seems the global economy is falling apart more & more
by unbaptized inis it just me or does it seem like a major tribulation brewing?
Is it just me or does it seem like a major tribulation brewing?
No it's not just you-
Join the club with the Assyrians dating back to 2800 BC!!
Tomorrow is my Circuit assembly
by Iwonder17 inany ideas to make the day go by quicker?.
i think that i should develop and market a ca or dc survival kit for those that are stuck going.
You have my deepest sympathy!
If you are 17 and are planning on going to college next year, PLEASE completely disregard the last part on the symposium on the Saturday afternoon program. It is a shamless assault on higher education.
It Looks Like I Was Right About the Apostate Army
by jamiebowers inwhen simon announced that jwd would close for posting purposes, i said that the result would be the formation of an apostate army that would spread the truth about the truth all over the internet.
then jws appeared, and now jwn is on its way.
instead of one strong site with something to offer everyone like jwd, now there will be two; jws and jwn.
The " apostate army " offers freedom of mind and clear thinking ability to any Jehovah's Witness who wants to listen. And the possibility of escaping the mind control cult that is the Watchtower society. So - Yes - There is much to be offered to those leaving the witnesses. They can have ownership of their life back again ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Mr. Flipper- I guess this is the real fullfillment of John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
700 million babies to be slaughtered
by hamsterbait inthe world population increases by 70 million each year.. this means that on the day armageddon strikes, at least 700 000 000 babies under the age of 10 wil be slaughtered.. 192 000 of these will be less than 24 hours old, many of them killed with their head barely hanging out of their mothers vagina.. how can the witlesses love a god that would do this - even long for it??.
it strikes me that for the witlesses morality is entirely relative.. i well remember the kingdumb song: "some paint god cruel" (wt does!!!).
The shameless arrogance of the WTS is vomit inducing! They have NO CLUE what God will do! Their hundreds of failed prophecies is proof enough for any "thinking" person to reject their theology as complete and utter nonsense. Even when I was a "believing" member, I was always bothered by their mixing and matching scriptures, completely out of context, to arrive to an absolute conclusion. For example the whole 2520 days=2520 years= 607 to 1914! What a load of ____!