The fact that the FDS uses the term "present truth" to qualify their constant changes in doctrine is one of the major factors which convinced me this organization cannot be guided by God.
Also, the fact that EVERY prophecy in the Old Testament supposedly has a second fullfillment which started in 1914 and applies to the handful of Bible Students of that day is another "ding, ding, ding" telling you something is wrong here!
Another one, the fact that they apply the direction in 2 John to not even greet someone who THEY disfellowship is WRONG. The context is clear, John was speaking about the Anti Christ, NOT to someone who decided that he just doesn't agree with the GB! Twisting scriptures so blatantly to qualify their ridiculous tenets is an abomination!
Also, the fact they promote conditional love by only showing christian love to their own or to anyone who shows interest in their religion is the ultimate UNchristian characteristic they display!
Their are numerous other reasons that I have for coming to the conclusion that this organization is completely MAN made but I am too tired to list them all.