NEXT time is your turn mouthy -- it is not like we had sex or even married -- I never get remembered much less not abused by the average male/person anyway and when I was a JW kid -- boys even spoke to me and lying gossip was started by girls and mothers sistas "forward and agressive and oversexed LINDA was (verbal abuse) and I was still a vergin (sp?) OH well RANDY I hope will forgive me for being so mouthy I really got to write story of my life / get published and take off to live in a foreign country and buy all the necklaces I want and even a man or two cuz I will be able to affod one...AND all I thought I deservd was a post card if that !!!
JoinedPosts by QUEENIE
by QUEENIE ini was going to keep this a secret but i just could not...those very touching gifts you got us on u hawwian vacation are sooo very very pretty...we are not use to getting such things from men / black eye / a fat lip and body bruses yep that is quite usual...i am still teary eyed from emotion randy (good emotion) i am so very serious that i want the entire cyber world to know what a dear you are especially to the likes of us and giving us a good memory to remember as well..if this is gossip then i am guilty as charged and the moderator can figure out my punishment...i am still lookinng at my pretty gift from a very loving man !!!!
xoxo ((((((()))))) peace
Why are the witnesses suddenly smiling at me?
by Inquiry inhi all..... i was starting to feel like i was walking around outside in me undies.... is there something new going on... people who normally always looked at me with disdain are suddenly smiling and making friendly.... is anything up????
just last week, i was sure i was still satan's spawn....???
weeeeeiiiirrrdddd..... inq :)
NOT only they smile they also send their koolest elder to speak to you and knee down before you and apologze for all the bad and disgusting experiences you have experienced. I explained I have not turned on my GOD as I see him only the people who are responsible and new damned well what they was doing..LINDA and LISA are hard-core apostates so JWs might as well save their breathe in talking to us and be on their way....PEACE
by QUEENIE ini would like to have platonic relaiionships with the opposite sex and then see where it goes from there but 4 now platonic is jst [email protected] i ain bad lookin for being 55 and slightly pleasing plump and wont break a mirror --- have a lovely sunday and happy easter too / peace
rehett == do not know...BUT sex I suppose is yucky to me is what is made me stay celibate 4 all these years....BUT we just got something soooo very very pretty from a very LOVING/GOOD/GIVING M A N name RANDY WATTERS--HE DID NOT HAVE TO DO THIS EITHER --- necklaces on his Hawiian vacation 4 us ME and LISA I am so deeply touched.I LOVE YOU RANDY P E A C E I want to tell cyber-world including WT ORG as well==help me get the word out OK...NEXT TIME RANDY -- move this family over there to stay OKay !!!! xoxoxoxox
by QUEENIE ini was going to keep this a secret but i just could not...those very touching gifts you got us on u hawwian vacation are sooo very very pretty...we are not use to getting such things from men / black eye / a fat lip and body bruses yep that is quite usual...i am still teary eyed from emotion randy (good emotion) i am so very serious that i want the entire cyber world to know what a dear you are especially to the likes of us and giving us a good memory to remember as well..if this is gossip then i am guilty as charged and the moderator can figure out my punishment...i am still lookinng at my pretty gift from a very loving man !!!!
xoxo ((((((()))))) peace
I was going to keep this a secret but I just could not...those very touching gifts you got us on U Hawwian vacation are sooo very very pretty...We are not use to getting such things from men / black eye / a fat lip and body bruses yep that is quite usual...I am still teary eyed from emotion RANDY (GOOD emotion) I am so very serious that I want the entire cyber world to know what a dear you are especially to the likes of US and giving us a good memory to remember as well..IF this is gossip then I am guilty as charged and the moderator can figure out my punishment...I am still lookinng at my pretty gift from a very loving man !!!! XOXO ((((((()))))) PEACE
Why do I miss all the fun?
by sleepy ini just went out to pick up a takeaway and the witnesses were working my street , they saw me leave and must have thought i was running away.. by the time i got back they were gone.. gutted.. please call on me witnesses.
well now I know where to send them JWs send them in your direction...((((()))))
Let's start a gift circle. Who's game?
by LDH ini read the post where princess sent mr. and mrs. ozzie goodies to enjoy.. now that is a great idea.
i confess, i was working on my christmas cards when i broke my foot, and with the baby i just didn't get to send any out this year.
so yes i'm feeling a bit guilty.. soooo perhaps we could start a gift circle?
I AM game to == next month is MOMMY day....I think snail mail addys should be exchanged privately....
Please keep it clean!
by Simon inwhile the subject "dating, relationships & sex" does include the word 'sex' this does not mean that "anything goes".. while sex can be discussed within reason it is not a place to post explicit topics.. thanks
I agree Simon -- some of us are xJW ladies !!!
Quiz: What Ice Cream Flavour Are You?
by Scully inhere's a neat little personality quiz for your enjoyment:.
my scores:.
I am strawberry but I love to eat bowels and bowels of chocolate my butt so indicates it!!!!
I DO NOT BELIEVE IT i am in shock
by QUEENIE inthe local jw elders are kissin our asses to try to get us back into the fold---membership must be really really low to resort to this -- queenie is in a state of shock....lov ya ((((hugs)))) they corner us at the local bus transit cuz it is public and not our private residence !!!!
jwa will do anything wont they>>>>
i AM of sound mind-- as sound as one is goung to get these days around these here parts !!!! peace
What did you do during the written review
by truthseeker1 inby far the most boring part of all meetings is the written review.
what kind of stuff did you guys (male and female) do to pass the time.
i either to write computer programs, sleep talk to my wife or sleep in the car.
COSH darn it----i WAS A bad DUB who sometimes know one or two answers and then waited until they went over it later and then I too wrote them in and when I got home round filed for future reference !!!