I work in a nursing home, and this video touches me.
Posts by JWOP
The best shepherding call in the universe EVER...
by usualusername inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkdxuce7leq&list=fl868j_zisuing3g1hj8rtjw&index=2&feature=plpp_video.
if i had such interest in me i may have stayed a witness!.
Woman sent to prison for wearing a skirt that was too short
by usualusername inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjktprgos3g.
i agree with the judgement....
She really needs to get a clue. You don't go to court to look "cute".... you want to get respect from the Judge so you should dress respectfully. (rolling eyes).
Is it me or is that ewatchman guy way too negative?
by Inisc inhas everyone heard of him, robert king?.
i occasionally have a look on his site, at times when im not sure what i believe.
i'm sliding towards atheism but i'm not completely sure either way.. the more reading i do of things of a scientific nature, the more i edge towards no god, but i like to analyse both sides of an idea.. anyway, whenever i read anything on kings website, it just seems he is a bit of doomsday cultist himself, i mean he has all these links to conspiracy sites, and all manner of negative scary articles about nuclear war and famine etc.
I used to post on Robert's board as far back as when it was nothing more than a glorified guestbook in 2004. I was "Melancholy Muse". I think it was in 2006 when he started purging everyone from the board that didn't agree with certain viewpoints. I jumped ship before I got purged, there was no need to stick around. The "purgees" started a new board afterwards, which I still post on today.
Robert is a puzzle to me: He is so against the Watchtower Society and yet holds fast so much of their system. I don't get it.
Did you experience classdivision while being JW?
by Cirkeline inwe all know how jw brag about their strong internal love.
all are treated equal no matter rank, color, money, status etc.
is this really true?
Growing up, we had a large congregation that had members from two municipalities, the city of "E", and the City of "H". It always seemed that those of us from E didn't mingle much with those from H. Of course, at the meetings we always had our friendly greetings and all that, but it just seemed that outside of the hall the two didn't mix. In the late 1980s the congregation had grown so large that they had to split; after that, we almost never saw much from the H members again.
New Site JW Outreach
by Bangalore inhere is a new site named jw outreach launched by an xjw from another board.. .
Actually, the site is bent towards those with a spiritual viewpoint because those who are looking to either join or leave the WTS will usually be investigating matters with a spiritual viewpoint.
As for the "Outreach" -- well, it's what it is, for better or worse. An outreach is a progam which attempts to reach out to people, ergo....
And, because we are a Christian based website we do pray that readers get the guidance they need to find answers to their questions. If you think that sounds too "holier than thou", we're open to suggestions for a better way to word it.
(Oh, and thanks Bang for the publicity -- hugs to you!)
major split among JWs
by sidex ini am a jehovah's witness from siberia.
please tell us who knows what and where thesplits occurred after the death of rutherford.
now in russia there are many schisms.. .
Here are the JW Splinter groups that I know of:
Bible Fellowship UnionBegan in 1945, publishes the magazine "The Bible Study Monthly".
True Faith Jehovah's Witness AssociationA collective of JW splinter groups formed in 1992. This collective sprouted from the aftermath of the fall of communism.
Theocractic Association of Jehovah's WitnessesBased in Russia. Another splinter group sprouted from the fall of communism.
The Lord's WitnessesBritish based group started by Gordon Ritchie, a former JW who was DF'd for apostasy.
Christian Witnesses of JahA group begun by Greg Stafford. This group hold home worship meetings.
God's Kingdom SocietyBased in Nigeria, Africa; estimates of 3 million members in Africa and North America.
True Friends of Jehovah's WayA collective from Eastern Europe, also spawned by the fall of communism.
Theocratic Bible InstituteThis is more like a publisher of Bible based literature.
Yah Our Righteousness Worldwide
This group is founded by Donald Burney and is located in the country of Jamaica, West Indies. -
Bullet list of major (recent) changes
by RN init is with great interest that i recently read ceders article on the decline of the wts.
his article along with many of the comments really drives home just how many major changes there have been in a fairly short peroid of time.. somewhere in the recent past i could swear that someone had posted a bullet list of major changes with the corresponding year.
when i saw this (or something like it) my first thought was that this simple list made it all the more shocking; and since i have searched and cannot find anything like it.. so i dug around and started one of my own, please feel free to add/corrects events.
....of course, I don't believe their claim, I'm just wondering what THEIR idea is to quell such thoughts....
Bullet list of major (recent) changes
by RN init is with great interest that i recently read ceders article on the decline of the wts.
his article along with many of the comments really drives home just how many major changes there have been in a fairly short peroid of time.. somewhere in the recent past i could swear that someone had posted a bullet list of major changes with the corresponding year.
when i saw this (or something like it) my first thought was that this simple list made it all the more shocking; and since i have searched and cannot find anything like it.. so i dug around and started one of my own, please feel free to add/corrects events.
When you put all that reduction together in one place, it actually undermines the Watchtower Society's claim of being God's spokesmen: If they were truly chosen of God, why all this dwindling over the years?
Can the Watchtower Society survive without time reports?
by DT inthere has already been much discussion about how the watchtower society has declared in australia that going door to door is part of a personal ministry.
this seems to be a lame attempt to avoid liability considering that they require time reports and have formal meetings for field service at the kingdom hall.. this is a bit of a dilemma.
reporting time and formal meetings for field service are important methods of control, however it's not clear if the organization is willing or able to handle the potential liability that may come from this.. imagine what would happen if they lost these methods of control.
If they were really thinking of self-preservation, they should start phasing out the whole reporting of time and numbers thing. After all, each year their numbers show an INCREASE in Memorial partakers. In fact, between 2005 and 2011 the number increased by 3,300 partakers! (and didn't some of the older ones die during this time as well?)
See this increase in the following publications:
Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses :
2006, p.31 2007, p.31 2008, p.31 2009, p.31 2011, p.51 2012, p.55This is gonna start raising some eyebrows.
RIP Dick Clark :(
by Scully inmassive heart attack took the self-proclaimed "world's oldest teenager" earlier today in an la hospital.
he was 82.. the new year's eve party in nyc just won't be the same without him.. .
News Year's Eve will never be the same.
And...I used to love American Bandstand in my younger years.