Yeah, what ICA said....
Posts by JWOP
1500 year old text reports Jesus not Crucified
by designs infound in 2000 with a group of antiquity smugglers this bible contains the gospel of barnabas according to the report in the national turk.. written in aramaic this gospel account was omitted by the church during the period of the council of nicea.. the text maintains a story similar to islam regarding jesus being a great prophet.. is has a reported value of $28million and is said to be in the museum of ankara..
Governing Body meetings
by JWOP injohannes greber's book "communication with the spirit word of god -- it's laws and purpose" states that, in order to seek god's truth one must cummunicate with the spirit world on a regular basis.
according to the governing body, they get their teachings from those who have died and been resurrected to heaven (the watchtower, jan. 1, 2007, p.28, para.11).
also, it was published that the gb meets on a regular basis, every wednesday (the watchtower, may 15, 2008, p.29).
Yeah, it's 8 o'clock somewhere, isn't it, LOL!
Governing Body meetings
by JWOP injohannes greber's book "communication with the spirit word of god -- it's laws and purpose" states that, in order to seek god's truth one must cummunicate with the spirit world on a regular basis.
according to the governing body, they get their teachings from those who have died and been resurrected to heaven (the watchtower, jan. 1, 2007, p.28, para.11).
also, it was published that the gb meets on a regular basis, every wednesday (the watchtower, may 15, 2008, p.29).
Johannes Greber's book "Communication With the Spirit Word of God -- It's Laws and Purpose" states that, in order to seek God's truth one must cummunicate with the spirit world on a regular basis. According to the Governing Body, they get their teachings from those who have died and been resurrected to heaven (The Watchtower, Jan. 1, 2007, p.28, para.11). Also, it was published that the GB meets on a regular basis, every Wednesday (The Watchtower, May 15, 2008, p.29). The Greber books states that is is best to meet at 8 o'clock in the evening..... so I'm wondering if anyone happens to know at what time the weekly GB meetings are generally held?
Thank you both!
Moustaches vs. beards - one of the contributing factors to losing my cognitive dissonace
by Pacopoolio inas a little background - i was born-in to being a witness, back in '79, in detroit, in mostly black and poor congregations.
baptized when 10-ish, stayed around, was on the fast track to ms, but faded when i moved out at 24ish.. there was a combination of a few things that got me on the road to "freedom" from the cognitive dissonance that kept me "in the truth" for so long.
the main thing was, being an artist and studying marketing, my thinking was patterned to constantly question if i was doing something "correctly," as constant improvement and questioning is what facilitates artistic and mental growth.
God commanded the Jews to wear beards. Jesus Christ wore a beard. Charles Russell wore a beard. The Watchtower Society sucks. And yes, men tend to look better with beards. So guys, keep it growin'!
A JW sitcom?
by Island Man inhas anyone ever thought of creating a jw sitcom?
i mean, there's enough humor and drama in jw culture to keep audiences entertained for multiple seasons.
we have judicial committees, c.o.
I'd watch it! LOL!
Let me try this again.
Den Höhepunkt stellt der dritte Lobpreis über das präexistente „Wort" dar: „und Gott war das Wort". In 1c steht „Gott" im Unterschied zum artikulierten Gottesbegriff in V.1b ohne Artikel betont am Anfang. Indem so das letzte Wort von aufgenommen wird, spricht der Hymnus dem „Wort" das Gott-Sein zu. Das voranstehende „und Gott" ist Prädikat, identifiziert aber keineswegs das Wort mit dem vorhergenannten „bei dem Gott". Dadurch wird das „Wort" ebenso „Gott" genannt wie es derjenige ist, mit dem dieses „Wort" in engster Gemeinschaft steht. Das Gott-Sein bezeichnet das Wesen sowohl des „Wortes" als auch Gottes selbst. Das Wort „Gott" in der Aussage von V.1c ist nicht Subjekt- so Luthers Übersetzung:„Gott war das Wort", sondern Satzaussage. Das „Wort" ist nicht „der Gott " (soV.1b), also Gott der Vater. Gleichwohl ist der Logos Gott von Art, göttlichen Wesens, mit Gott wesensgleich, so daß man sachgemäß zu übersetzen hat: „und göttlicher Art war das Wort". Das Bekenntnis des Alten Testaments und des Judentums zum Monotheismus wird demnach auch in diesem hellenistischen, vorjohanneischen Hymnus respektiert. In gar keiner Weise liegt hier aberwie wir schon betont haben - eine einfache Identifikation vor! Der Hymnus singt in der Tat davon , daß im Anfang zwei göttliche Wesen bzw . Personen nebeneinander und die eine der anderen übergeordnet existiert haben . Das „Wort" ist der göttliche Offenbarer, so daß nur in ihm, Gott selber den Menschen begegnet. Nur in dieser „Wort"-Offenbarung ist Gott da und nah, und wer es mit dem Offenbarer zu tun bekommt, bekommt es in Wahrheit mit Gott zu tun.
It's from the book Das Evangelium Nach Johannes, by Siegfried Schulz. Thank you in advance!
Need page number for Greber quote
by JWOP infrom the johannes greber book "communication with the spirit world of god -- its laws and purpose" :.
you are right to ask me who i am, for it is your first duty to test the spirits that speak to you and to assure yourself that they were sent by god ... i swear to you before god that i am one of his good spirits , indeed one of his highest spirits, but my name keep to yourself ... from the days of the first man down to the present, the spirit-world has communicated with mankind.
that is true of both the good spirit-world and the bad.
From the Johannes Greber book "Communication With the Spirit World Of God -- Its Laws and Purpose" :
You are right to ask me who I am, for it is your first duty to test the spirits that speak to you and to assure yourself that they were sent by God ... I swear to you before God that I am one of His good spirits , indeed one of His highest spirits, but my name keep to yourself ... From the days of the first man down to the present, the spirit-world has communicated with mankind. That is true of both the good spirit-world and the bad. ... [T]he World of spirits, which is separated from you materially, has various ways of communicating with you by means perceptible to your senses ... [W]hen the Bible says: "God spoke", it was not God himself who spoke, because as a rule, God speaks only through his spirit-messengers.
What page(s) is this quote from? (I don't have an actual copy of the book myself)
Need Scan from KIT 1985 version
by JWOP ini'm looking to see what the 1985 version of the kit says at matthew 27:52-53. i'm looking for the word-for-word greek/english part.
i have a 1969 kit, so i just need to compare to see if there's been any changes between the two.
if you can send me a scan of it, pm me.
Thank you everyone! Much appreciated!