FadeToBlack: Yeah mate, I was gutted, but in the bigger picture of things, it was the best thing to do. As mentioned earlier, I was always very careful and know there was nothing incriminating on there, but wanted to cover all bases. Later on I will explain more about what happened. Good to hear that your wife missed the meeting. Like I said above, it takes little steps to win the war, maybe sharing some apples is the first step. As I post on here, I hope that there is something that you might be able to use to get that spark going.
The Truth is Mine: Wow, that is amazing! I think it was Phizzy who once said to me that the truth is a house of cards, and it only takes one thing to begin bringing the house down. The question of whether we should stay because JWs are 'such nice people' crossed our minds too, but the way it all creeps into every part of your life without knowing is quite chilling. The programming goes deep and can take a while to undo. I said Happy Birthday to someone for the first time in my life recently, and had such rush of adrenalin afterward that I had to stop take a moment to realise how silly it all is. Twisting and lying in order to wangle things to your advantage is deplorable. Making people feel bad for asking honest questions is even worse.
Braincleaned: Thanks for the PM, I replied just before. Sorry to hear about your experience. It never fails to amaze me that JWs say they don't break up families, but it is often them that cause all the trouble and drama. One of Mrs Smiths concerns was that I was going to leave her or that she would have to leave me. I said to her "Why would I leave? My feelings toward you have not changed in the slightest, my feelings about the Society however..." Our plan is to eventually be inactive too. We are going to wind things back in the congregation that we are in, and then move to another congregation where we will be inactive, or one of "those hopeless ones that only come now and then" I will check out the FaceBook link you mentioned. I love George Orwell. If you are in to comparisons, check out one of my other threads on Animal Farm and the WTS: http://jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/226069/1/Some-observations-on-Animal-Farm-by-George-Orwell
Stay cool everyone B-)