Thank you Randy for your ongoing efforts and input here and on your other sites. You're a legend mate, even if you are a hippie Jesus freak ;-)
Mrs Smith received an email today from a friend in another country who is also fading that had recently been to a one day assembly in April. After hearing about some of the info on this thread, he recalled some comments he recorded in his notes. The speaker read 1 Thessalonians 5:14 and said "Up until now disorderly ones were considered to be those rebelling against God's laws. We have to remember that this can also include laziness and those who are inactive. These ones deserve our patient encouragment. They need our loving care. Sometimes these inactive ones say hurtful things to the elders. Elders must remember to return evil with evel to no-one."
We have asked him for more details such as who said it and what their rank is. It probably has nothing to do with the Feb 2013 school but aligns with some things that have been mentioned. He may have jumped the gun or maybe it was part if a foundation laying exercise.
All speculation and conspiracy theories of course, but fun nonetheless!