BluesBrother: I still remember the moment clearly when I clicked on it. I was doing one of the big no-nos, what was going to happen? Would Jehovah make everything 'openly exposed?' I remember logging out of FaceBook and Gmail and everything else, just in case, somehow something autoposted info on what I was looking at. LOL. The things this cult does to the logical mind never ceases to amaze me.
00DAD: I love how the WTS freely quotes the OT to edict WTS law, in some cases but ignores it in others. Don't get a tattoo because the OT says so. Don't worry, you don't need to marry your rapist, that's the old law and does not apply. Control baby, CONTROL!
Knowsnothing: You got what I was getting at. There is not a lot of logic to the stance they take. They quite happily condemn certain pagan practices, but don't bat an eyelid at others. I believe the party line is something like "It all depends on how the custom is viewed by people in the time and place they live now." Last birthday party I heard about at work, people went around saying 'how does it feel to be old?' 'You're an old fart' and not 'Thank you <insert pagan god name> for blessing <insert name> with life and fertility' etc etc.