Hello Konceptual99, great to hear from you!
Things have been rather hectic.
June is the end of the financial year here in Australia so I was bombarded with work. In amongst all that I had some interstate travel, and moved house. As of yesterday I have officially caught up with my work, so sorry, you're gonna be seeing more of me mua ha ha!
As I said above we have moved house. Bought a lovely place after much deliberation. Very happy with the location, the price, everything. It ticked all the boxes. One of the most important boxes it ticked was that it was out of the territory of our congregation. This will make it easier for us to complete our fade. We feel like we have moved in to another gear with the fade with this move.
We still have some things to work through, but being out of the territory while telling people we are phoning in to the meeting is proving effective. The statement "out if sight out of mind" is so true, and many have heard we have moved (LOL at the JW gossip lines!) and have simply assumed that we are attending the congregation in our new area. Only the elders and our good friend Sister T know that we are phoning in (we're not, but are letting them think that), and only Sister T knows our new address. So far we have managed to avoid giving it out, despite the elders trying a couple of times. Nuh uh losers.
So on that front things are going well. The next challenge will be that Mum texted me today saying that they are thinking of coming over for the convention this year. DUN DUN DUNNNN.