dedalus, please tell me that the CO was JACK DANLEY (a.k.a. Jack Daniel's). That sounds so much like a JACK DANLEY story. (When I knew JD in the late 80s he was CO in Ontario, Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
My Dumbest Counsel was actually a blessing in disguise. It stumbled me so much it started me on the long slow journey of exit from the B-Org.
It was the first week in September, 1989. I had been married to my (now ex) wife for exactly 4 months, which was also the length of time we had been attending that KH. Our meeting attendance and field service had been reasonable, considering we were newlyweds and this was our first summer together.
So this elder comes over for a "shepherding call", with younger Elder in tow. After about 30 mintues of the usual tripe (encourage to go to meetings, encourage to get more time in field service, etc.). He was just about to wrap things up then adds "one more thing. It has come to my attention that you are holding hands during the meeting and during the songs. You shouldn't do that because it might stumble some unmarried ones into thinking that they should be married and/or cause jealousy.
The look of surprise I saw on my wife and the younger elder was, I'm sure, also visible on my own face.
It took a few days to sink in, but it made me angry to think that this guy could even suggest that simply holding hands (we were newlyweds, remember!) was something bad and could stumble others. Of course, he used the scripture about "if your right hand stumbles your brother, cut it off".
Years later I wanted to ask him if he ever considered the thought that "if your lousy counsel stumbles your brother, then shut up!".
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