I can't go through that mag BECAUSE I sent it back in the mail after they were in our circle ( I can't believe they didn't know it was our house). So both the WT and Awake got mailed to the dub whose car I spotted in the vacinity with www.silentlambs.com written on the cover and the halls address as the return. LOL
JoinedPosts by imanaliento
Looking for scans of Feb 15, 2003 WT on anointing
by Dogpatch inemblems...'all who are led by the spirit are sons of.
christians are certain of their heavenly hope of.
"to proclaim their faith"- "individual anointed.
Comments at the hall
by JH in.
when you were an active dub, did you comment at the hall because you believed what you were saying, or because you wanted to repeat what was said in the article and look spiritual?.
it took me a number of years to comment at the new cong we had moved to, certainly there was never any encouragement to do so and no pat on the back when done so.
I would try to look up further information so I could sound semi intelligent and not the box blond I am. So in a sense I believed what I was saying because it was all from the source material made available by the WTS. The thing is hardly any one really listens to another individuals comment Many times you would hear someone make a comment and a few seconds later someone different will say almost the same thing.
Let me try again.. Just a lurker who is going "public". Saying "HI" What a
by Its so simple ini have been a jw for more than 10 years and less than 30. i'm not naive about the ways of the borg.
i was a hot shot jw at one time, one of the few that enjoyed 90% acceptance from my audience.
this is one of the things that has brought me some trouble.
Hello and
How Did You Find This Forum?
by SpannerintheWorks ini found this forum whilst perusing the panorama web site.
the link is half way down on the right:.
I had to ask my husband how he found it since I'm on here because of him.
Last year he was starting to notice how people were being treated- example. the congregation was predominatly white and a black brother was DF, when this brother would come in and sit he noticed how sad he was and when he smiled at him the guys whole disposition would change, hubby would then get scouring looks from elders.
as time went on and more questions were going through his head he went to Google.com and typed in jehovahs witnesses and landed here.
Ozzie's Weekend Poll #38
by ozziepost inanother weekend's upon us again!
doesn't time fly when you're having fun!.....
or even when you're not, eh?
hi Ozzie's
I felt # 1 that they were loving shepards ( or they sometimes used sisters for this ) that they wanted me to do a # 4
so encouragement = guilt
Any good ideas for a DA letter?
by dawn27 ini was enjoying my anonymity after my move until a family member gave a local sister my new address and told her about my "inactive" standing.
a sister stopped by to see me the first time, but now she brought an elder by.
my husband sent them away and told them how he felt (he's not a j.w.
hi Dawn, like LB said you will have to write when the time comes whats in your heart.
for us it was easy being no other family members were in, while my husband wrote a letter and put both our names on it I felt I had to write my own and tell my feelings. which were mostly how God could approve of such an organization that has this huge pedophile problem and that chooses to treat people in such a uncrhistlike manner when they shun.
take your time and do what you feel when you are ready.
Jehovah's Witnesses Can Go To Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Big Tex ini need someplace to vent, so excuse me but i am very angry at the moment.
as most of you know, my father in law committed suicide last sunday (the 16th).
his death hit nina hard, but i've discovered this week that my sweet little kitten of a wife has the heart of a lion.
I'm so sad to hear that on top of what you both are going through that you have to deal with the self righteous crap of those people.
hugs to you ((((((((((((( Big Tex and Cruzan )))))))))))))))))))
proof that God exist
by comforter in.
either god exists or i'm elmer fudd.. i'm not elmer fudd.
god exists.. there you go.. nameless one.
and they look like this
JWs brag about using the web to convert people
by jschwehm inhi gang:.
i got the following off the jws' media site.
i think it is a riot that they are bragging about how well their website is doing considering that not too long ago most jws did not even believe the wts had a website because they were so critical of the internet.
hi Jeff, long time no see, say hi to Kathy too.
so now they are encouraging using the internet, hope so, maybe some will come around here and see the numbers that are up on this board.
I always get a kick out of the number of hours they claim to have, In the US half of it is spent riding around the territory.
Our neighbors took our trash
by wednesday inmaybe i am fussy, but when i put trash out to be picked up, i don't expect my neighbors to come and get it.
we did not see them this time, but we have seen them before.
my hubby put a burned out mr. coffee out beside our trash can last night, and this am it was gone,prior to the trash men picking it up.
some people love trash.
if you talk to them on occasion mention in a jokingly way how some one took your trash and that add thats it's property of the garbage collector once it's placed out.they won't know you know who did it.
yes identity theives look through the trash for names, statements and such. I tear up my address into little bits and hang on to bank documents.