You are correct, nothing like this has ever happened before in the history of the world. Therefore the time for Jehovah to slaughter six billion must be close at hand! Jesus replied and said, "A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho; and he fell among robbers, and they stripped him and beat him, and went off leaving him half dead. And by chance a certain priest was going down on that road, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. And likewise a Levite also, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.
JoinedPosts by r51785
The world IS getting worse!!
by themonster123 ini'm telling you- i honestly think people are getting more immoral!!
i saw something on the news last night where some bicycler got hit in the middle of the road in the middle of a huge intersection and people were slowing down to go around him.
that was at some urban centre in tel aviv, israel.
The Last Great Baseball Commisioner Dead at 80
by XJW4EVR inbowie kuhn, the last great basebll commsion died yesterday at 80. he has the last commisioner of baseball that took the term "best interests of baseball" to heart, and the game flourished under his guidance.
baseball certainly needs a man liike kuhn back in the commisioners seat.. .
Aren't you forgetting Faye Vincent?
Did the heavenly calling cease in 1935? Not anymore!
by AnnOMaly inwatch out for the questions from readers in the may 1st 2007 watchtower.
"when does the calling of christians to a heavenly hope cease?
" it's a good'un.. included are the statements:.
As a result of this article, I see the following taking place: The Governing Body will be identified as the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class. There will be no further confusion about how the FDS is all the annointed ones. Any others outside of headquarters who partake can then be subject to question since they are not members of the faithful slave. When a new Governing Body member is needed, the Watchtower leadership can approach some longtime Bethelite and suggest that maybe he reevaluate his standing vis a vis annointing. Then, voila, Brother Long-Time-Bethelite suddenly receives the annointing and can now take Brother Drools-All-Over-Himself's position on the Governing Body. With this move they can explain away the fact that all the Governing Body members were born after 1935 and dismiss what they regard as any crack pot annointed ones. They also ensure themselves a ready supply of company men to fill their Governing Body/Faithful and Discreet Slave Class. The R&F cult members will never even notice the change!
Why must observers attend the Kingdom Halls for the Memorial?
by RULES & REGULATIONS injesus had only 12 members attend and partake the last meal and memorial.there were no observers in the room.each disciple was given bread to eat and wine to drink.there is no mention of other people in the room who couldn't eat or drink the last meal.this was only for those who would partake of this meal.. why does the wts feel that observers need to be at this yearly event?
why can't the elders who(supposedly) have any 144,000 in their congregations,have a memorial with only these members?
if jesus wanted observers he would of had some at his last meal and requested that they be present from then on..
I'm sure that any normal person would imagine that it was "Temptation Night" at the Watchtower Church. All the members pass around an alcoholic drink and refuse to imbibe, thus showing their moral strength and determination not to succumb to alcohol.
Disfellowshipping - How long to return?
by CaptK indoes anybody know how long it takes for one to get re-instated if you are not that well liked by the body of elders?
i was disfellowshiped for immorality almost 2 years ago.
with my job and attending college to keep in step with my field of work, i have only been attending the sunday talk & wt meeting every week.
Captain K, Wish you all the best, but I think if I was you I would go back to Thailand and not the Kingdom Hall.
My Bethel Experience final chapter
by new boy inthere were other people who either killed themselfs or tried to kill themselfs while they were at "the house of god.
one person who did kill himself was richard wheelock, press room overseer ......he jumped out of a window at the watchtower farm one seemed, he was never quite the same after his wife "willy" died..she seemed to be the only one that he could relate to.......which would make sence.....because he sure couldn't relate to any of us in the press room..........he would come over to our press and say "here is the work... get in out".......then just walk away.......he was not the type of person you would really want to talk to anyway......but wouldn't it be nice if just now and then, like every year or two, they might ask you how you were doing? laugh.......but its true......i asked a friend of mind who was the press operator of press # 6 which at the time was one of the three biggest presses at bethel.
he had been in the press room for 4 full years.
Metatron has really hit the nail on the head. The military draft was a godsend for the Society. Draft boards only granted a 4-D deferrment (minister of religion) for those who were pioneers, members of the bethel family or congregation servants (the precursor of elder). Now how many 18 year old boys were congregation servants? That meant to get the coveted deferrment you needed to either pioneer or be a member of the bethel family. If you couldn't earn a 4-D deferrment, you had to settle for a 1-0 (conscientious objector). However your draft board would require a conscientious objector to perform non-combatant service, such as working in a VA hospital emptying bed pans. Interestingly at the time the Watchtower forbade its members from non-combatant service on pain of disfellowshipping. So the bottom line was this for a young American male dub: either pioneer or bethel or jail. No wonder bethelites didn't want to leave. If the society wouldn't "let them pioneer for six months," than the draft board could grab them. The first step toward dismantling the policy of Watchtower slavery came in the late 60's when the American government instituted a draft lottery. If you had a high lottery number than you couldn't get called up so then you didn't need a deferrment and the Watchtower couldn't count on your slave labor to earn that deferrment. The draft finally ended in 1973 and as you might have noticed this marked the end of the 4 year rule at Bethel. The fact of the matter is that the Watchtower Printing Company skillfully played American military draft laws to enslave generations of young males as unpaid factory workers or book salesmen. r51785 -- holder of a 4-D draft card, and former pioneer
new watchtower mag arrangement
by shadowofbathory inthe latest from brooklyn ( my mate in upper management ) i thought id share.. .
the watchtower is remaining bi monthly.
instead of both monthly offerings sharing same formats there is a change coming into action soon.
Since the "Watchtower" is the flagship brand of the Watchtower Printing and Real Estate Development Corp, I would expect that they will keep the Watchtower to distribute to the general public. The Awake will be phased out and the new Watchtower will become a magazine designed to hook converts. I would expect that the issue of the Watchtower which is designed for cult members will eventually be distributed electronically. Each Kingdom Hall will need a laser printer and PC or they can just send an elder to Kinko's. This will enable elders to control distribution locally. It will also reduce printing and distribution costs for Watchtower corporate by imposing these costs on the local congregation. While I do not think this new arrangement is designed to keep the "Cult Member Edition" of the Watchtower out of apostate hands, the reduction of availability will be a happy side benefit of what is basically just a cost cutting program for Watchtowre corporate. Also we might see the "Cult Member Edition" of the Watchtower merge with the other internal bulletin, The Kingdom Ministry.
If by preach you mean working as an unpaid sales representative for a large American multi-level marketing book printing company, the answer would be no. If you mean discussing their belief in Jesus Christ with the people they met in their day to day life, the answer would be yes.
My Bethel experience part II
by new boy inback to the food..........the saying was "its the best food in the world before they cook it" the coffee was the really bad.
they would take a 55 lb.
bag of good coffee beans and boil the shit out of it.the joke was if anyone could find the guy that made the coffee, and kill him, our production nwould go up and armageddon could finally come.
Being raised a JW I got alot of the "go to Bethel" propaganda. I decided not to when a guy in our hall, Chris Zell, went to Bethel. He told the same kind of stories you do and told all of us young guys not to make the mistake of volunteering for the house of God.
January 14, 2007; the most bizarre comments I have ever heard at a Hall
by MinisterAmos inmost of you have already scoped out the wt lesson for yesterday that blondie provided, but i'm going to add to it a bit and share the audience comments for the meeting.. i'm also going to share some direct-from-the-gb "new-light" that was revealed by the speaker in his discussion.....ready?.
so the wife and i are on vacation yesterday and visit a congregation located in western fl or east al; floribama as the natives call it.. the speaker began by telling us that the "happy god" isn't really happy because of the state of the world.
i forgot to ask him where that fact is found in the bible.
One more thing........... The reason that Jane Fonda didn't get baptized after studying was not that the JW's have such strict standards. It was because no one at the Hall could explain to her who the KIng of The North was. Billy Graham agreed with her that it was not a good idea to join any religion until they identify the King of The North. At that point Ted Turner burst onto the stage and screamed that he was The King of The North, but Jane said he was just drunk because he was upset about having to marry John Denver.