JoinedTopics Started by r51785
A Modest proposal to solve the 1914 problem
by r51785 inthroughout watchtower history dates have been a problem.
the usual solution for failed prophetic dates has been to kick the can down the road.
this needs to be done with 1914. the generation that will never pass away is now 110 years old and therefore is past its useful life span.
by r51785 instartfragment.
top ten differences between mormons and jehovahs witnesses.
10. mormons abstain from coffee.
For those who live in the Inland Empire...
by r51785 inthere was an article in today's edition of the riverside press enterprise about dave meyers.
meyers was a professional basketball player who gave up his career at the age of 27 when he converted to the jehovah's witnesses.
he has gone on to become an elementary school teacher in lake elsinore.
H. L. Mencken on Homeland Security
by r51785 in.
"the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
The Tyranny of Childless Men
by r51785 ini came late to fatherhood.
my daughter was born when i was 43 and my son when i was 47. becoming a father has been the most profound experience of my life.
nothing has taught me more about the love of god than having children.
English lessons for Hilda Mystikool
by r51785 inone of the keys to speaking and writing english correctly is mastery of the verb "to be.
" below you will find the correct conjugations:.
they are (third person plural).
How much is the property worth?
by r51785 ini noticed on one of the earlier threads discussing the taxes paid or not paid by wt society that someone had posted the accessed value of one of the wt buildings.
has anyone researched this subject to come up with the value of all the wt buildings in brooklyn and patterson?
i would be very curious to find out what all their real estate holdings are worth.
The Wisdom of Disfellowshipping
by r51785 inplease forgive me if someone else has posted these thoughts.
i have not seen them elsewhere.. why did the jw's disfellowship bill bowen et al?.
given the avalanche of bad publicity this would seem a stupid move.. but it wasn't because the jw's aren't concerned about bad publicity from worldlings.