Thank you all. my JW family now says Cheers and clinks glasses with the non jw members. Probably for the past 4/5 years
who knows why.....I don't imagine they would do it with other JW's present but who knows
hello all - long ago i posted under sosad..... cant get back under that name so hello again.
i though i remember in hte last couple of years that there was a change in the strict practice of not clinking glasses and toasting,,, that it was more of a conscience decision.. was i dreaming this?
any help towards printed information on this subject is very much appreciated..
Thank you all. my JW family now says Cheers and clinks glasses with the non jw members. Probably for the past 4/5 years
who knows why.....I don't imagine they would do it with other JW's present but who knows
hello all - long ago i posted under sosad..... cant get back under that name so hello again.
i though i remember in hte last couple of years that there was a change in the strict practice of not clinking glasses and toasting,,, that it was more of a conscience decision.. was i dreaming this?
any help towards printed information on this subject is very much appreciated..
Hello all - Long ago i posted under sosad..... cant get back under that name so hello again.
i though i remember in hte last couple of years that there was a change in the strict practice of Not clinking glasses and toasting,,, that it was more of a conscience decision.
Was i dreaming this? any help towards printed information on this subject is very much appreciated.