Regarding Autographs and things like that.
At the end of the day, it is whether you believe what MAN has penned. The Bible is written only by men.
Yet the Bible is diffrent from other historical texts that you mention, because it makes the claim of itself, that it's a revelation from God and demands of its reader to adhere to its belief system, condeming those that do not to everlasting punishment.
As Thomas Paine says in his essay "Age of Reason"
"It is a contradiction in terms and ideas to call anything a revelation that comes to us at second hand, either verbally or in writing. Revelation is necessarily limited to the first communication. After this, it is only an account of something which that person says was a revelation made to him; and though he may find himself obliged to believe it, it cannot be incumbent on me to believe it in the same manner, for it was not a revelation made to me, and I have only his word for it that it was made to him."