"Do you mean as an American citizen under the US Constitution? If you are an American, you have this. If you mean here on JWN, @Simon is king here; you have no such rights, but the owner of this "government" determines what constitutes fairness on here, and if you do not wish to abide by the "laws" of @Simon's government, yiu get to self-deport" No I do not mean on one site. I mean like as a whole. Look at how many songs are removed on youtube for take down requests. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/184470/1/Songs-that-make-you-cry. Government of anytype should not be able to tell simon what he can or can not have on his website. I would go as far as to say he should be able to alow things to insite hatred as well as things that are ilegal in some countree but not in others such as child porn. The internet is like its own world and should not have any interference from any one government. It is a democracy for all. I get mad when I see all the unjust or even just take downs. Before long if this continues I will not even be able to have a site called Jwsandmuslemsarebothcults.info. They will take it down like vultures becouse they want more members and the truth being out will not be alowed. It may get to the point were all these sites are taken down by jws by request kind of how the south park ep "super best friends" disapeared/
JoinedPosts by supernerdboy
Does the WT have spies here?
by logical1 indoes bethel have spies here that are exempt from the "no looking at apostate material" in order to "protect" the org?
their job is to view apostate material so they can find out who they can send copyright infringement claims to?.
Why aren't you an Atheist?
by Bloody Hotdogs! inlong time lurker, first time poster.. .
i'm an ms (accounts servant) in a large congregation in canada.
over the last several years i've faught a hard-won battle to rid my mind of all religous and supernatural beleifs.
I read the first 10 pages then got bored and skipped to 29th. Anyway there was a comment that I do not feel like finding but reminded me of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhGuXCuDb1U . Also:Outlaw: I hate your nodding dog. I do not like dogs and it makes me sick whenever I see it. Anyway, sometimes I agree with you. But most of the time you apose NewC and KingS, whom I almost always agree with, so bummer, I skip most of your posts. :-D
How many non-believers on the inside
by biblecheck init's taken me about 7 years after leaving the watchtower, to become actively involved within the exjw communities.
as part of this i created a couple of videos to, hopefully, help some others.
but what amazed me was the number of people who have pm'd me via youtube who are still active members of the watchtower - who know it's not the truth - but haven't left.
How about killing every member of the GB in with a momb above the GB room instead of a micrephone and inside if the sock? I know you can to it sham. JK. Though it would help a lot realize that they do not have gods baking. Or maybe get an apostate into the printery and have them put apostate ideas in mass runs of the watchtower? Print your own ex watchtower with the same cover and put it in the liteture counter while nobody is looking? I am sure there are good way. Maybe we could target everyone visiting jw -.org to redirect to JWfacts. Maybe people would think that it is the new revamed site filled with actual "New light". :-D rant over/
Are there any songs that remind you of being a jw ?
by man in black in.
this afternoon the song music box dancer came on the radio and i was instantly transported back to 1978 when my best jw friend got married.. this was "their" song ,, they are now divorced and one of them left the religion and is remarried.. another song that makes my skin crawl from a jw standpoint is mambo # 5.. there was an elder from my old hall, j. renfroe who always was telling the young people what music was acceptable for them to listen to.. and this guy was just so opinionated regarding everything.. so one time at a wedding this song comes on and he starts dancing almost uncontrollably.
it was agony to watch, and i ( and many others felt embarrassed for him because of how he was dancing and how his self rightous opinions seemed to be thrown to the wind this evening.. any other examples of music that became tainted from a jw experience ?.
Thanks for sharing "Fuck you very much" with us, whever put it up on this site, werevr I found it. Also a cool song would is "what if god smoked canubus".
Jehovah's Witnesses Watchtower SUICIDE . How many JW suicides can you recall?
by Anti-Cult inhow many jw suicides can you recall?.
is it more common than the rest of society?.
i personally know of 5.
I had thought of it as an option and wanted to do it. But the I realized shortly after that that WTBTS is a cult and now I am much happyer.
Dexter Cometh! ...........and other delicious character actors you'd like to spend the night with.
by Cuebert innew dex tomorrow night!.
i can't lie, i'm a little bit in love with dexter.
alas, he is not alone on the list of guys that maketh me uber frisky........ dexter.
Penelipy cruses roll in venella sky. Sophia. Wow she was so cute in that movie. "See you in anouther life... When we are both cats." If you have not watched the movie you should check it out, it is way underrated. Tom cruse played a cool part and some might say it was cute./
I Want Proof Jesus Even Existed
by Farkel indon't bother me with the josephus addendum.
i've already seen that debunked.. i am quite aware of the fact that the only evidence of jesus comes from his own followers who didn't even bother to write down his life for decades after jesus "died.
" don't know about you, but if i saw all that shit, i would have gone home and written three books about it that same day!.
"This is good quality bullshit . . ." I am ROTFLMFAOOL!
The Bible-- Full of Errors And Inconsistencies?
by Recovery ini noticed in the "magic" thread many former jw's no longer adhere to the bible as the unerring and accurate word of god.
if you feel this way, can you please list any specific reasons/arguments as to why not.
this thread isn't for debating purposes, but simply for listing.
Back when I was still in I asked a lot of people if god lot the war of the 2 3rds of heaven and saten now was the ruler would you still serve god even thou8gh you would die for it. We serve god becouse we want somthing in return not becouse god is good he has done satonic things if you wikk, If the bible is true about got it is becouse god lost and saten is the real ruler, who rewrote the bible.
Also here is a logical falicy. It goes in a loop of lies: God is love. God is a jelelus god who grags many times. Love does not brag does not get puffed up... is not jelus.... Counterdiction if you ever did see one. Fuck the the bible. (is it ok to use words like that here mr S? Kind of like to put one in every so often to remind myself that I am free now and that I should not feel gulty about such things. Now I just need to decide if I want to stay a virgon.
RANT! Old JWs make me so mad!
by lil.lady.03 inya know what!
i'm tired of being polite and nice to jws.
esp when they try to shame you to your face with a smile.
The Pope and governing body are examples of who not to respect. :-D but I would still treat them kindly. Like say one of the GB opened a door at a store for me I would say thank you. But I would not obay there instructions past what I would have wanted to do by myself. For instence if the pope asked me to open a door for him I would do it becouse I would do it for anybody, however if he asked me to call him father I would be like you are not speshiol get over your self and leave me alone.
RANT! Old JWs make me so mad!
by lil.lady.03 inya know what!
i'm tired of being polite and nice to jws.
esp when they try to shame you to your face with a smile.
"Find the watchtower that says it is OK to leave the religion of your parents and tell her" I read in the Watchtower it is ok to leave the religion of your
parents if you find out they are not teaching the truth so I did"" So awesome.
One of the mein turning points for me was when they maid me give a part on respecting your elders on stage. They picked it I am sure becouse I call the elders by there first name even when they have asked me to call them brother this or brother that. I was sick of that crap and it got me searcing agien. I think humens are humens and should be treated kindly but only given the amount of respect they decerce. There are a lot of crapy people out there that do not decerve resoect despite there age. Others well earned any respect they got even at a young age, Nicala Tesla is one good example.