"If you go over to the exjwforchrist board they hear from god all the time. He never says anything useful but he never shuts up."
"i experienced a miracle once. i was sleeping in my bed, when i suddenly started to hear voices. they sounded distant, like if they were outside the house. the voice said to me: "i will take this bicycle". then the voices faded. when i woke up the next day, i didn't understand the meaning of these words. but when i went out to look for my bike, it was gone! that's why the voice said "i will take this bicycle"."
And outlaws comment. Make me LOL. Sorry outlaw for what I said the other day it was not vary nice. My siser always tryed to put voices to are bad dogs. It is one of may resons why I hate most dogs, and the nodding reminds me of stupid fundemenilists ans JWs, completly ingnorint and arigent. I hope you did not take it personaly, I just was mad becouse all the shit that I was exposed to.