punkofnice I love your aviar. I wanted to say that earlyer but I did not get around to it. It has a sense of irany to it. Anyway good news OP! Everyone, the last year book showed an increase. So how many years will it take to show negitive %? Also how long will it be before it fails as a business and there is no more bethel or KMs and only a few cookes meet at homes, becouse they can not live and let die?
JoinedPosts by supernerdboy
Lots of Good News everybody!
by OneDayillBeFree inyou know one of the reasons why some witnesses decide to stay inside is to help others wake up and leave as well, and although this hasnt been exactly a goal of mine, it was something i'd ponder every now and again.
and we all know that it is not easy to get to jw's when they are fully mind controlled.
but i'd like to tell you guys what's been happening with brothers and sisters without the help of others who know ttatt.... so last night i got a phone call from a brother who's a good friend of mine whom i've talked about in the past here.
What's in your current meeting bag?
by nochoice inthanks again for the comments on the ipad in kh rules.
on a similar vein, i've been thinking of all the books i can leave behind once our kh blesses the ipad phenomenon.
in the meantime, this is what i have to lug in and why:.
All I left was a resoning book and the insights and a few old books, but the insights were only used twice. They would be able to go right to the shelf to suprise the next persohn ordering one.
EX JW teen just signs with legendary producer!!!!!
by Lady Liberty indear friends,.
it has been a long time since i have posted.
time heals much pain, and finally, my family and i have been able to move on with our life outside of jw land.. many of you became our friends, our support system, and you know very well our exit story...we were labeled, slandered and disfellowshipped for having questions regarding the date 607. we sent out letters exposing the elders and circuit overseer to over 200 families.
City Contributes $150,000 to Jehovahs Witnesses Convention
by TJ Curioso incity contributes $150,000 to jehovahs witnesses convention .
by ariella montioctober 22, 2012 | posted in: city council, news, the latest | 0 responsesduring a closed session a month ago raleigh city councilors approved a $150,000 contribution to the christian congregation of jehovahs witnesses convention that will be held next year at the pnc arena.. the city has been contributing money toward the event since it first came to raleigh seven years ago.. this is not new, said city manager russell allen.
he said the event has been built into the citys annual budget for awhile.. the approval came during a closed session after the regular sept. 18 city council meeting.
An elder told me not to drink Pepsi back in the day. Why? Becouse coke suported the WTBTS with money and we should do that back for them. It made me sick, and I never agread with him, he was the type that said "back in my day" and "you kids have it easy" I always wanted to lash out at him, and tell him just how fuking bad my last 5 years if not my whole life. Now I never buy coke for that reson, that and I like pepsi and mt dew better.
rant over/ Supernerd -
An essay i wrote when i was about 14---before the religion
by MsGrowingGirl20 inreligion: good or bad?
"i can't do that" or "no, i don't eat that!
" are just two of a host of phrases heard everyday by people of different races, languages and religions all around the globe.
Wow awesome job on the paper. My "friends" critisized me for not using my salutitorion speech to preach, but now I am so glad I did not. I left every one inspired that day. I wish I knew what you wrote 5 years ago.
One Silly Little Comma = WT Idiocy
by Farkel inone would think that the god of gods, the creator of everything who wanted to give we puny little humans a handbook for salvation(tm), would make sure that handbook remained authentic.. one who thinks that way would be wrong.. since punctuation is critical to convey exact meanings, i find it strange that the god of gods would pick a written language for his handbook that has no punctuation!
oh, wait!
he also picked another language for that book that had no written vowels!
And if you look close at the start and took out the L. Every one would read the start and know what they are.
Screwed! [up] [H]TML right?
Just joking around home some of you lol. Humer is based on learning patterns. Figured this might be a funny bit of cripto!
One Silly Little Comma = WT Idiocy
by Farkel inone would think that the god of gods, the creator of everything who wanted to give we puny little humans a handbook for salvation(tm), would make sure that handbook remained authentic.. one who thinks that way would be wrong.. since punctuation is critical to convey exact meanings, i find it strange that the god of gods would pick a written language for his handbook that has no punctuation!
oh, wait!
he also picked another language for that book that had no written vowels!
Hbrw, n th thr hnd dd nt hv vwls, whch mks t dffclt t rd nd ndrstnd." ROTFLMFAOOL! But may I make it even more close to the bible.
Not to mention that it was writen back words for all thouse left handed people.
With writting mistakes of cource.
What's in your current meeting bag?
by nochoice inthanks again for the comments on the ipad in kh rules.
on a similar vein, i've been thinking of all the books i can leave behind once our kh blesses the ipad phenomenon.
in the meantime, this is what i have to lug in and why:.
I shredded all lititure, however I do not want more trees going to waist, so I gave the refrences and old book bages to a random KH when almost no one was there. Somebody needs to make discised watchtowers that have wake up tidbits, that you do not notice enless they are side by side.
Does the WT have spies here?
by logical1 indoes bethel have spies here that are exempt from the "no looking at apostate material" in order to "protect" the org?
their job is to view apostate material so they can find out who they can send copyright infringement claims to?.
"Do you mean as an American citizen under the US Constitution? If you are an American, you have this. If you mean here on JWN, @Simon is king here; you have no such rights, but the owner of this "government" determines what constitutes fairness on here, and if you do not wish to abide by the "laws" of @Simon's government, yiu get to self-deport" No I do not mean on one site. I mean like as a whole. Look at how many songs are removed on youtube for take down requests. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/184470/1/Songs-that-make-you-cry. Government of anytype should not be able to tell simon what he can or can not have on his website. I would go as far as to say he should be able to alow things to insite hatred as well as things that are ilegal in some countree but not in others such as child porn. The internet is like its own world and should not have any interference from any one government. It is a democracy for all. I get mad when I see all the unjust or even just take downs. Before long if this continues I will not even be able to have a site called Jwsandmuslemsarebothcults.info. They will take it down like vultures becouse they want more members and the truth being out will not be alowed. It may get to the point were all these sites are taken down by jws by request kind of how the south park ep "super best friends" disapeared/
Why aren't you an Atheist?
by Bloody Hotdogs! inlong time lurker, first time poster.. .
i'm an ms (accounts servant) in a large congregation in canada.
over the last several years i've faught a hard-won battle to rid my mind of all religous and supernatural beleifs.
I read the first 10 pages then got bored and skipped to 29th. Anyway there was a comment that I do not feel like finding but reminded me of this video:
. Also:Outlaw: I hate your nodding dog. I do not like dogs and it makes me sick whenever I see it. Anyway, sometimes I agree with you. But most of the time you apose NewC and KingS, whom I almost always agree with, so bummer, I skip most of your posts.