lol, amazing thread!
For all the women who post about something so personal as their own masturbation, please keep in mind that this is the internet and what you post is visible to millions. Boundaries are a good thing when it comes to something so personal.
True, FHN...though all of the masturbation references were posted 5 years ago, and seriously...nobody but Jdubs are going to really look down on teenagers for 'bating. Besides, the interwebs and masturbation goes hand in hand. (pun intended)
My worst...I used to purposefully clog the toilets and let them flood, just so I could clean it up in order to escape the torture that was sitting through their b.s. meetings for an extra 10 minutes...thats right, I literally would have rather cleaned up shit and piss than sit there listening to their lies.
And when I was 14 the first time I ever got drunk was off rum that someone gave the family as a presant that sat under the sink for years, I didnt know how much to take so I mixed a big-gulp of coke with about a third of the bottle of rum, and I got SMASHED. This was the night before a big DA at Cops' Colosseum in Hamilton, I spent the whole day hung-over. My family thought I had a flu but obviously didnt care enough about me to let me stay home in bed. It was.... just about as brutal as any other convention I ever went to.
I dont think I ever bated in the KH, but probably a few times at assemblies around that age.