I remember tearing that thing up long before I was able to leave the cult, probably around 12 or 13. There was no way I was willing to die for my parents backwardass beliefs.
JoinedPosts by theBGB
No more blood card
by lostinthought inwhat a day!
first of all one of my electronic devises broke so the store said they would replace it i just needed to show id, i removed my license from my wallet and saw my blood card staring me in the face i couldn't stand looking at it so i took it and crumpled it up and threw it away, upon leaving the store i had a car accident it the parking lot, nobody was terribly injured but it was my fault so i feel bad...but i also feel elated that i tore up the card, what if i had a really bad accident and i needed blood?
what could have happened to me?
Hello again, sorry it's been so long!
by theBGB ini joined the site a few months ago, made a big splash then kind of dissapeared for a while.
i would like to thank those who i came into contact with and let me into their lives and hearts.
if anyone worried about me during my absence at all then i apologize; i have not regressed or been kidnapped/re-brainwashed by the borg.
Hello all!
I joined the site a few months ago, made a big splash then kind of dissapeared for a while. I would like to thank those who I came into contact with and let me into their lives and hearts. If anyone worried about me during my absence at all then I apologize; I have not regressed or been kidnapped/re-brainwashed by the borg. Finding this site was a cathartic experience to say the least, in the first few days I spent very little time doing anything other than reading hundreds of posts written by the wonderful people who gather in this cozy corner of the net for those who have seen the light (or the darkness depending on how you look at it). I had never before had the opportunity to speak with a single other person who had left this disgusting cult and it was quite overwhelming to see the dozens, the hundreds of people on this site who shared similar experiences as I growing up. Going from one post to another for days on end was an emotional roller-coaster that had me full-out crying at times, both from sadness of the evil injustices of the organization and from joy at seeing so many who have broken free from it's chains of control. Posting the first part of my story and experience growing up Jdub was a whole other level or catharsis that led me to run the whole gamut of emotions over again. I became fairly active in the forums in the following weeks, spending hours a day writing, chatting, and reading old posts. Eventually I came to realize I was becoming somewhat obsessed and decided I needed to take a break and concentrate on my life in-the-moment as opposed to re-hashing old feelings of depression/angst/sadness/anger...lots of anger. I thought that the evil JW org had stolen enough of my life, and by obsessing over the past and my stolen childhood was just giving them more power over my life, and I vowed long ago that nothing a JW could say or do would have any affect over me ever again. So I took a break, didnt mean to be gone for so long, but alas - real life has an annoying habit of gettin in the way.
I would like to say, however, that my time spent here has been wholly beneficial to me. A lot of those negative feelings had been simmering in me for years, decades really, without a forum (web or otherwise) to express them and get them off my chest. In the past I've had a lot of inner-struggle between blaming my parents for the way they raised me (failed to raise me) and blaming myself for my anti-social tendencies, runs of depression, and poor decision making. Of course a fair bit of that boiled down to just being a normal human being, but after reading so many people's stories that ran parallel to mine I finally made peace with that fact that, yes, my f*ked up childhood and the cult I was forced to participate in had a hugely negative affect on my life. And as strange as that is, that realization has brought me a good deal of peace of mind and gone a ways to repair the damage this cult's indoctrination has left in my subconscious
So again I apologize for my prolonged absence, it is wonderful to be back amongst my loving peers. In the immortal words of E.L.O.: "Thank you [all] for thinking about me, I'm alive and doing fine."
What's your favorite stereotype that is used by the WT?
by Chemical Emotions ini like the "sudductive woman with long dark hair", for one.
very funny pictures..
It's been a while but I'm gonna say that kid who is hugging the lion in every picture of paradise...ever. I always thought: That's one dumb kid! Hasn't he read the bible and realized how fickle and full of murderous rage god is? That lion is going to his ass apart as soon as he hits puberty.
New online archive with older Watchtower writings
by processor inlots of older watchtower and watchtower-related publications can be found here now:.
I'm glad this thread got bumped, I wouldn't have found it otherwise. Those old mag are some CRAZY shit....can't believe my dumb-ass grandparents fell for that shit then just rolled with the punches as the GB flip-flops on their core beliefs/delusions
Thanks, processor
What's your favorite stereotype that is used by the WT?
by Chemical Emotions ini like the "sudductive woman with long dark hair", for one.
very funny pictures..
Has anyone ever put a flyer / note in the donation box
by biometrics inhas anyone ever put a note / flyer in a jw donation box?or has anyone ever found one in a donation box?
what was your reaction?.
i've heard of some putting stickers in literature (before it's published).. i was thinking of dropping a few in the donation box (when i visit my elderly mother i sometimes go to the meeting).. what would be a good note?.
I always wanted to put in a note like from the song 'Signs' by E.L.O. :
"Thank you lord, for thinking about me. I'm alive and doing fine."
Course that would be pretty hypocritical of me because all my years in the Jw I never once felt like thanking the 'lord' for anything, or that I was doing fine...
by Snoozy infew realize that their depression may be caused by something other than what they think it is... some suggestions:.
there are many well-known depression triggers: trauma, grief, financial troubles, and unemployment are just a few.
I was diagnosed with clinical depression very young...11 or 12. They put me on pills till my mom saw what they were doing to me and refused to let me continue on them (thanks Ma!). Tried taking me to a psychiatrist but he was just another adult I couldn't trust so he never was able to get anything out of me, although I really wish I had been able to open up and discuss why my life was so horrible at the time, probably would have helped a lot. Turns out I just f*kin hated my life as a Jw.... so the religion definitely caused my depression.
re: JW Study - an update. I've heard back from him!!
by uk_ex_jw infurther to my post the other day re: jw study who had a conversation with me on facebook and started questioning his beliefs, he has now contacted me back....will post the quotes underneath.. his response:.
yes i did tell some brothers how confused i was about the information you sent me, they said does it matter where charles russel is burried, i aggree its abou god not man, and as for peadophillia in past yes it did happen in congregations, but that happens everywhere and they said they did not promote it obviously and that people leave when they done that dark act, they said that the police have been employed in past, there are no more cases i now of, again i dont blame god for this he will sort them out...havent been for a while now , at the end of the day there is lots of stuff on net and as long as i am doing it whole from my heart no one judges me but god, i have so many beautifulll friends in the truth, i believe jehova does have a body of people in the world , you do what you will and all the best i just want to do well and all the religions are in wars and do what they want , i am up for 1 god 1 tounge and not doin waht the rest proclaim to do and be there own gods.... its just that all this came out of nowhere , our chats and was damaging to god , i have no idea what you believe in but your messin with fire if you ask me , dont get lost in apostasy and youtube as its a minefield of miss trust.
thats my view, i hardly know you well at all and you keep contacting me asking what they say etc , i too tired to feel lowe cos you dont really say anything good about god you just seem to want to deter me, not once have you mentioned love peace , jesus , just on about me being mislead, you catch my drift, dont mean to come across rude as i am a happy man , but i get your point how you feel and i have always known fun love great friendships and a relation ship with yaweh,jehova etc so shall we just talk footy and world as its clear you can damage my spiritual health as we not talking about good stuff just jw people are mislead when we should be in union regarding the coming of jesus famines wars, disease im gagging for it to come.. my response:.
On an interesting side note the CTR gravestone says "The Laodicean Messenger" I had to look up what that meant:
la·od·i·ce·an /la?äd?'se?n/
Adjective: Lukewarm or halfhearted, esp. with respect to religion or politics This is probably well known to most in the forum but I'm just learning about the evil origins of the Jdubs, and find it all incredibly interesting...and frightening
Would this offend you?
by Disillusioned Lost-Lamb ini am remaining "in" for the time being, for my family, so with that said.... i fear my niece (9) and nephew (6) will be assimilated into the borganization therefore i try to covertly undermine their indoctrination hoping that if they choose to be a witless it will be just that, their choice.
regardless of their path, i know my sister and bil will not plan anything for their children's futures, i don't want them to needlessly struggle because they never got the opportunities a normal child wouldve and i believe that, in or out, a higher education at least gives them a chance, i was thinking of secretly starting a small college fund for each of them.. what do you think?
would any of you parents be offended by this?
I have two beautiful wonderful brilliant nieces (ages 2 and 4), and I dont have the slightest hope that either of them will have any chance of leading a normal cult-free life. My sister is so fking brainwashed (always has been, as far back as I can remember) and her hubby is an elder or elder-in-trainning and one of the doushiest self-righteous jackasses Ive ever met (his self-grandizing sense of importance just pours off him, and he talks down to everybody especially concerning "spiritual" matters). I predict as they grow older and beggin to develop cognitive reasoning I'll be allowed to see them less and less in fear of me being a bad influence on them ...which I would be (not that I see them more than once year as it is). It's really sad, and I hope I can do the same kind of thing, maybe set up an education fund for them. But I'm still in school and have a mile-long student loan that's still growing so I doubt I'll be able to, as I plan on having my own kids one day. I hope that when I have kids of my own, my nieces will be able to see how much better our lives are and make them question their own.
Good on you, Lost-Lamb! That's very admirable.
Sharing a happifying experience
by kurtbethel inseveral people at a devival share stories about how wonderful they are for pioneering and door knocking.
the young lad who gives the first experience is especially happifying.. http://www.centralprint.net/jwtalks/circuit/2011%20sad%20ca%203b/06%20aaron%20martino%20-%20experiences.mp3.
Oh dear...started listening and brought back horrible flashbacks. "This CLEEEAAAARRRLLLYYYYYY was God's will!" How old is that poor kid anyway, like 10? That makes me so sad.