They behave like a bunch of pimps. If anything the elders should have a higher standard than the rest of the sheep. This elder’s book is an ass****’s manual.
I know people that have been reproved for things that happened many years earlier, and also lost their privileges for something the elders had no business in.
This is just one example of how they abuse the people from the r&f. They are desperate for brothers to take the lead in the congregations, so they are far more valuable than a simple sheep. An unmistakable mark of the holy spirit.
The whole point of the disciplinary process is to ashame the person and make sure they will think twice before “sinning” ever again. Of course elders go by different rules, we can only imagine what the people really high up in the organization go by.
I agree with you longhair gal, they tend to be more strict with women that step out of line, it’s like a form of sadism I guess, a power trip. Exactly what Jesus would have done. And this elders are the ones meddling in the private lives of others in the congregation while nobody knows what they are hiding themselves. It is repugnant. They are revolting and deserve to be behind bars.