First of all, without the Church we probably wouldn’t even have Jesus words today, or the Bible as we know it, or a continuous and reliable account of our history and culture during the past 2000 years. Secondly, for us as Christians it is nice to go to Church and see more than two or three people gather together and sharing our faith and values.
The Church was the ultimate authority on the Scriptures until the XV century where all the Reformation movements started, for various personal reasons (Henry VIII, Luther…). Religious and scholars in the Church were honestly seeking truth, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquine…. Those who separated were not always moved by honourable motives.
Closer to our day, all totalitarian regimes of the XX century have seen the Church as an obstacle. Those who seek to bring the Church down, do so only because they crave the moral authority it has for themselves.
Religions or ideologies that make a central point of their doctrine to criticize the Catholic Church would do well in having a hard look at themselves and what they stand for.
The Catholic Church is the biggest charity in the world, with hospitals, schools, missions around the world, Caritas for the poor, and they offer support and comfort to their followers without asking them to sell their souls to them...they also help everybody without asking what religion they have, while those who attack it have only their own hatred, sectarianism and self interest to show in contrast.