i wonder what he makes of this scandal? maybe once they shut down the borg he can remake his song for jw's and call it "when dub's cry" lol no i do hope this will open eyes of many.
JoinedPosts by criticalwitness
has any one mentioned this court case to the "Purple one? Prince?"
by criticalwitness ini wonder what he makes of this scandal?
maybe once they shut down the borg he can remake his song for jw's and call it "when dub's cry" lol no i do hope this will open eyes of many..
Youthful Sexual Victim Fells Goliath -- Thanks Cedars and Nugget
by FatFreek 2005 ini was able to create the following op-ed submission using cedars (with his permission) own script.
recall his great youtube presentation with nugget as the charming voice.
i hope to submit this in the morning to our democra-gazette as soon as it's vetted here.
this is great i hope the real babylon the great ( the borg ) does fall! but why does the borg hesitate to change its rules? it has to be more than pride because they flip flop doctrines more than a pan cake at ihop, and who wouldnt want to protect kids? they have to be protecting something or somebody. i would bet that some on gb or many elders and co's have already been accused of such filthy behavior and the only thing thats keeping them out on the streets and not in jail is this two witness rule we know they dont care about rank and file its got to be whom they consider more important members, that and the financial fall out of other members coming forward may bankrupt them!
Did anyone else get somewhat offended by the term "rank and file" that the WT attorney used.
by life is to short ini was just surprised by that term being used by jim mccabe when he said "jonathan kendrick was not a leader or a pastor, he was just a rank-and-file member.".
i thought that was only an apostate term and also what a put down to us lowly members.
we are just a rank-and-file person.
somehow i dont see jesus using these same terms when talking to jehovah about his sheep! nor using the accusatory language i think it was the pr rep used saying she claimed to be molested, yea i see jesus saying the rank and file down there claim to be sighing and groaning over destable things, they claim to be doing the preaching work!
Has the Borg invested more in buildings and real estate than it's people?
by criticalwitness ini ask this based on a couple thougts, we all know the borgs tough stance on what they call higher education they would have you believe on can get by on just reading wtchtwr and awk and a g.e.d but look at all the lawyers they have and engineers for quick builds they utilize alot of highly educated people to protect their assets they dont have just a highschool education.
keep in mind they have no clue where are all christ brothers the rest of annointed the admitted they have no network to keep tract and obviously no interest but they boast about all the buildings and printing presses they have!
and with this recent pedephile situation would it not be in borgs best interest to have educated leaders or elders educated in counseling?
i ask this based on a couple thougts, we all know the borgs tough stance on what they call higher education they would have you believe on can get by on just reading wtchtwr and awk and a g.e.d but look at all the lawyers they have and engineers for quick builds they utilize alot of highly educated people to protect their assets they dont have just a highschool education. keep in mind they have no clue where are all christ brothers the rest of annointed the admitted they have no network to keep tract and obviously no interest but they boast about all the buildings and printing presses they have! and with this recent pedephile situation would it not be in borgs best interest to have educated leaders or elders educated in counseling? being able to help identify child predators and synpathize with victims? would it not be in their best interest? they spare no expense for legal team but the flock dont get same care?i think some child advocacy groups should take a hard look into the borgs practices.
Did anyone else get somewhat offended by the term "rank and file" that the WT attorney used.
by life is to short ini was just surprised by that term being used by jim mccabe when he said "jonathan kendrick was not a leader or a pastor, he was just a rank-and-file member.".
i thought that was only an apostate term and also what a put down to us lowly members.
we are just a rank-and-file person.
it sounds very business like lol doesnt give you the warm and fuzzies like brother so and so or sister such and such. dont get me wrong there are alot of nice witnesses in borg but the higher up you go on that food chain the more you see the god complex so of these men have where they really whole heartedly believe they are some how better than you. its all a carefully crafted facade.
By the end of the year, what will the org look like ?
by mP inim predicting a loss in both numbers in the us and western countries with significant drop in hours preached particularly in the usa.. commetns ?
i am thinking optimistically here but i think this legally,scriptually opens pandoras box! this is first loss in our modern era for the org i think since the moyle case. it means that if they are legally wrong and proven to be such in a court of law on their dogmatic draconian doctrine of two ppl witnessing a molestation, what else may they be wrong on? blood issues? holidays?time of the end? jc committees? this isnt even including all the abused who will be encouraged to step forward and go the distance and not settle out of court. and this gives faders and ppl on the brink of leaving the guts to do such. whether you are in the org or not parents love and want to protect their children and this manifest itself loudly that the org doesnt care they will feed youre kids to the pedephiles then make you pay by voluntary donation of course to defend them!
A "reduction of rules" is it the only way the WTBS can eliminate culpability?
by darthfader inhow best can the wtbs alter it's rules or eliminate "enforcement" by making everything a "conscience matter"?.
what do you think is the likely outcome?.
have christians grow to spiritual maturity! i wouldnt even know what that would look like. its funny because you alone are responsible for youre decisions before god so why is someone else making them for you? guiding some one and demanding someone do something are two different things. they will not give up that control the guilt trip and power they gain by having confessions.
by criticalwitness inwhat exactly is perfection?
for instance jesus had to learn things like being a carpenter learning how to read with learning comes mistakes.
if put him on a golf coarse he would not auttomatically sink a hole in one everytime.
what exactly is perfection? its relative in a sense in that just because one is perfect doesnt mean he does everything perfectly. for instance jesus had to learn things like being a carpenter learning how to read with learning comes mistakes. if put him on a golf coarse he would not auttomatically sink a hole in one everytime. alsoit doesnt mean complete control of mind and thoughts because even jesus thought about god removing cup from before him but corrected his own thoughts and said not my will take place but yours. so is it to think something wrong or to dwell on that wrong thought? was what adam and eve did a sin? they where perfect! they decided perfectly what they wanted to do did they not have the right to not like something? maybe they honestly didnt like gods rule is that not allowed? where they to move thru everlasting life in silence to what they did not approve of? if he only created apples to eat could they say i dont like taste of apples would that be a sin? everything god creats is perfect and god likes it! can you amicably disagree with god? well clearly by the years of endless suffering one can not!
Why did Lazarus Pay for his sins twice?
by criticalwitness inaccording to j dub doc the wages sins pays is death meaning to them death covers your debt of sin when lazarus died did he not pay his debt?
so when jesus resctd him why did he die again?
when jesus brought him back did he creat or recreat an imperfect being on the sinful road to destruction?
plus we have to keep in mind jdub theology once a perfect man sins thats it youre done no forgiveness! so in the future paradise after thou yrs anyone who slips up zap you are done my friend. we have not ruled out though if these resurrected ones were murderred? remember saducees wanted to put lazarus to death so ones wouldnt put faith in resurrection?the plot thickens lol
Gen.3;24 places the cherubim, and A flaming sword to guard, why?
by jam inok , why was it necessary for god to places a arm cherubim.
to guard the way to the tree of life?
adam and eve had.
and if garden of eden wasnt destroyed untile after flood why didnt gad just have noah and his famly go in garden for protecion and keep cherubs posted destroy everything outside garden and then let noah and famly come out afterward instead of building humungas ark? why didnt he just remove tree? he got rid of enoch? so he can take out humans but not a tree?