Not anymore
I was brainwashed to the point I thought others in the world were wrong when they told me that, thought that anyone who committed a crime was to report it to the police because of their bad conscience and this would help clean it up, no matter what came of the police report - now I find out that so much child abuse and cover up was taking place, it makes me sick to think I was in paradise on earth when all I was was in another belief system, married into it, and screwed my kid up so much he is an emotional wreck.
But hey .. still in cause I have no where to turn now. Waited too will be what it will be.. a slow fade to black..
EOM makes a good point about middle east tensions and the nation of Israel in prophecy- I have long thought about that one and Jehovah did say he would never leave Israel. Well... I personally believe there is a big something to that situation and am watching it closely... especially if russia, china and iran gets involved.
No true religion puts their management ahead of Christ..truly despicable and blatantly haughty!