Sorry its Trey Goudy
JoinedPosts by truthlover123
How much in total do you think the W.T.S has payed out in child abuse cases??
by karter inthey have settled a lot out of court with gagging orders both ways so we will never know how much was payed out there.but some have been made public.
any ideas how much in total?.
How much in total do you think the W.T.S has payed out in child abuse cases??
by karter inthey have settled a lot out of court with gagging orders both ways so we will never know how much was payed out there.but some have been made public.
any ideas how much in total?.
Well latest is that WTBTS is paying $4000.00 a day in California for not turning over records in a sexual abuse case - this has gone on now for a few years so a huge amount is being pulled from the congregants pockets to pay for this ONE trial - it is court records
Trey Goudy has started a class action against Canadian WTBTS as of last month along with one in U S - people still coming forward
Goudy's is also on court records so it is NOT media fake news. Just google The Watchtower...
Alternative witnessing
by Zyron inthose of us still attending meeting are actively encouraged to use out tablets or smartphones to direct people to
how about, after doing the standard presentation casually say to householder, you can also look at this forum to read of experiences of life as a jw as well as the official version?.
obviously you need to be working by yourself or with a pimo jw..
With all the child abuse cases gaining momentum in Canada via Trey Bundy and his class actions suit and the Wall investigation, any thinking JW would be ashamed to knock on a door or accost someone on the street....
GB has no shame.....
I believe CBC reported the Bundy suit...
Costs Associated with a Regular Size smaller rink Assembly Public Owned
by truthlover123 injust came from the one day -- like to call it that cause everything is a changin.... this question would be directed to someone who worked in accounts for an assembly of maybe 1700 in attendance (recently) in a small town, about 2 hours from a main city.
the accounts report was read and it was a stunner..... i guess i could call the location and see how much it costs to rent this arena for a day and see but i was wondering why would they send a large amount of monies to the wt and say we are short on contribution???.
anyb ody know - i do know about monies going for child abuse court problems they are having - latest one in canada where there us a class action suit being brought by trey bundy... plus the so called out of court settlements worldwide.. arc, britain, i know that end of it - just wondering why they are sucking /lying to support the www... .
Just came from the one day -- like to call it that cause everything is a changin.... this question would be directed to someone who worked in accounts for an assembly of maybe 1700 in attendance (recently) in a small town, about 2 hours from a main city.
The accounts report was read and it was a stunner..... I guess I could call the location and see how much it costs to rent this arena for a day and see but I was wondering why would they send a large amount of monies to the WT and say we are short on contribution???
Anyb ody know - I do know about monies going for child abuse court problems they are having - latest one in Canada where there us a class action suit being brought by Trey Bundy... plus the so called out of court settlements worldwide.. ARC, Britain, I know that end of it - just wondering why they are sucking /lying to support the WWW...
CT Russell & Rutherford
by truthlover123 ini have been reading of the personal histories of both these "men", to say the least, my eyes just about fell out of their sockets.
knowing what is going on in the org today, i can see how the apple does not fall far from the tree -- russell and rutherford both were involved in pyramid schemes, fraudulent activity & using people, their names, their money to obscure businesses, which all are on public record, mostly in usa..... just to build the empire from the peoples pulpit to the wtbts - russell did not just scam just about everyone he came into contact with, he tried to defraud his x out of her legal home, which the courts clearly recognized and put the words right in their court report - fraud!!
the glossed over "spiritual , gave his life for the truth" crap that the org says russell did and was, is such a pile of bs.... russell even had the "colporters" hawking for businesses other than spiritual and using the names of peoples pulpit and later wtbts while they did it... he was fully engaged in the late 1800's and early 1900's in up to 6 businesses, gold, leather, real estate.... etc.
I have been reading of the personal histories of both these "men", to say the least, my eyes just about fell out of their sockets.
Knowing what is going on in the org today, I can see how the apple does not fall far from the tree -- Russell and Rutherford BOTH were involved in pyramid schemes, fraudulent activity & using people, their names, their money to obscure businesses, which all are on public record, mostly in USA..... just to build the empire from the Peoples Pulpit to the WTBTS - Russell did not just scam just about everyone he came into contact with, he tried to defraud his x out of her legal home, which the courts clearly recognized and put the words right in their court report - FRAUD!! The glossed over "spiritual , gave his life for the truth" crap that the org says Russell did and was, is such a pile of BS.... Russell even had the "colporters" hawking for businesses other than spiritual and using the names of Peoples Pulpit and later WTBTS while they did it... He was fully engaged in the late 1800's and early 1900's in up to 6 businesses, gold, leather, real estate.... etc. Yet the society says since 1874 his life consisted of bible study and new light!! Wrong! He used the Bible but used the congregations more as his Amway workers - get more people in, they work for him and pay for the products they could then resell and make a small profit....
What has changed??? Nothing! Get the congregations to obtain land, use their money and bodies to volunteer to build halls and assemblies halls, BUY LOW, get the deeds and SELL HIGH -- they see this as their RIGHT but remember the contemporaries since that time (1800-1900) - they all learned and passed it on well - much like the lesson in the WT this they see fit ---all monies go back to "headquarters" -- NOTHING HAS CHANGED!Now with the child abuse court cases - note lurkers -- not media reports - court reports on line to see along with videos and court papers.......It's there for all to read.... Don't feel your conscience won't let you... it's your right to know everything - remember the Boereans-- they looked daily to learn truths.
Rutherford worked with him and later adopted the same style but going further, in 20's when people were starving, he buys houses, cars, trips ( with a female secretary-he was separated from wife and son).. Nice guy! Berating everyone in his path.
Remember "Types and antitypes" -- you can see it clearly in the organization now.
GOTO -- it's on Russell and his host of businesses, contacts, frauds, courts, etc.
WT PDF file "Child Safeguarding Policy of Jehovah's Witnesses in Australia"
by kpop injust passing on a link i found.
i didn't see anyone here post it so i hope i can share this.
download and pass it on!
Where is the direction that parents should seek medical/emotional help immediately for the victim? They are just grand standing in this memo, saying what the ARC wants but will not be implemented until lawyers get involved from the society first.
These elders need classes government offer (health and welfare system) in how to deal with psychological/emotional/ anger issues that occur in dealing with these subjects. Not some half hearted video from "headquarters" from someone who does not have a clue.
Observations From an Ex-Elder Part 3 - Searching for the Lost Sheep
by doubtfull1799 in"what man among you with 100 sheep, on losing one of them, will not leave the 99 behind in the wilderness and go after the lost one until he finds it?
" - luke 15:4. disclaimer: by posting the following observations i am not complaining.
i am happy to be left alone.
There is a fear factor in the "truth" - you cannot question, you cannot swerve too far from commenting at meetings now - most just re hash the paragraph that was already read.... I believe many are dis heartened, received a call last weekend from a very knowledgeable brother... many doubts and although I listened I did not tell him that I had the same thoughts as him.... you never know who you are speaking with and if they can turn on you to the elders to make a name for themselves....and although I am now doubting, I am not ready to go full fledge out....
I too, have missed meetings and low in service but not one elder or MS has checked to see what was going on.....I personally don't care anymore and know that the "love" that I once had is gone.... I guess theirs is as well...
Watchtower/Bethelite Volunteers and US Self Employment or FICA Tax?
by EnlightenedEphesian inwith so many aging bethelites being "laid off" after years of volunteer service, what hope do they have of collecting any social security retirement?
i ask because i recently learned that my mother will not receive any government retirement benefits because she did not work enough to collect the 40 credits required.
this got me to thinking about bethel volunteers.
I was around pre 1975 when rumors were running wild about the end... so much so that people in this area quit their jobs, sold property and furniture, got ready for it all to end, leaving behind government secure employment in post office and coast guard & sold their businesses -- people had been brainwashed for at least three years prior to 75 and many, many folks did not have savings, investments, etc.
Post 1975 - that was it!! We both obtained full time jobs with medical, pension, able to invest in pension plans, etc. to at least secure as much as we could.. and today without that we would be on assistance.... yet the society still maintains its the end soon... we can only look at what is happening in the world around us, terrible news -- but who knows when, I don't anymore....Bethelites - congregations are so into believing the motor mouths in the broadcasting videos they do not have some sort of monies socked away.... up to their ears in debt, but hey!! they won't have to pay it back I guess if something happens in their lifetime...maybe that is their outlooks..
Two (circumstantial) lines of evidence for the real motivation behind the Russian lobbying?
by doubtfull1799 in1. in bro sandersons latest video (in which he shows a very impressive skill with russian) he mentions two likely results of the imminent russian ban: the liquidation of the branch office and its assets, and the individual brothers capacity to worship freely.
no prizes for guessing which one gets mentioned first!.
2. why have the gb never attempted in the past, and are not interested in attempting now, such a letter writing campaign in other communist countries where the work is under similar restrictions, like china, or vietnam?
Don't know if this was mentioned, but with all the technology today, and with worldwide participation in the letter writing, I would assume names and locations of all individuals may be placed on a list??? With Russia wanting to take in other countries, would that not be a boon to their locating everyone they wanted too? When the previous letter writing campaigns took place, there was not any way tracking would have taken place, today life is not private anymore for anyone..
YMCA ? Are we allowed to go there or not?
by Quarterback inhalf of our congregation goes there to work out because of the good pool facilities and prices, and the other half think that it's wrong due to it's old charter.
but no one is enforcing the wrong or right of it.
i'd be interested in knowing how this is being applied worldwide.
No Zumba either --
Hey... didn't the WTBTS ( or isn't) join the UNGO?? Did they have to take and oath when they did?