actually he said the guy shot himself in the hear to get away from OCD and upon coming to, apparently he hit the brain where the ocd occurred and was cured -- laughed as did most of the attendees. That was so inappropriate,, this guy was in a sad emotional state enough to try and kill himself and this was the best Loesch could do. He did not say "unfortunately one individual sadly tried to take his life" he just went into the story without one bit of remorse for the guy.
Showed video of fires and floods in BC quoted Gal 6 Do what is fine- mentioned how NB is dealing with floods
And 1 John 4:16-18 God is love and how much he loves children - no mention of abuses -- and how love transcends - I guess that was for the victims
Re education example of Luke the physician how he did not encourage education but became a disciple, same as Paul and that college fosters spirit of independence-- (does that mean thinking ability)
Hit on marrying out of truth as well
The towards the end of the talk he mentioned something which seemed to me to be out of context that we should pray hard to Jehovah and not commit suicide.. QUESTION---are there problems they are covering up with this statement...
Porn, education, bad association, neighbours, workmates, it was all on the table, nothing new...
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