I just checked and in Britain, a trust can be taxed so I am wondering what is the benefit being taken off charity status?
As u can see I am not a legal person
in the united kingdom.. .
https://www.civilsociety.co.uk/news/over-1000-charities-combine-in-one-of-largest-mergers-ever.html .
I just checked and in Britain, a trust can be taxed so I am wondering what is the benefit being taken off charity status?
As u can see I am not a legal person
september 2022 study watchtower - par.
14 p. 18 - "after all, no one will be allowed to practice vile things in the new world.
the unrighteous must have practiced these vile things before their death.
IF, If, If there is a huge amount of people going through the tribulation, what's chances they still have the same gene, dna, rna disposition - same as Noah and his family from Adam - and carry that right on to the new system- which caused havoc. and humanity carried out its "deeds" right on through to today? Noah was to be the start of a new world too!
Then with that scenario. the new system would be reaping havoc until the 1000 years and then satan is let loose???
The society is constantly changing its mind when it comes to an unknown..they themselves say they are not prophets, 2012 annual meeting - they have not light of inspiration, they shelve a scripture until later, if its fulfilled, then they can piece it together.... so revelation is it! NO more, nothing to interpret as it stops short by saying new scrolls will be open - I guess thats when we know what will be, will be.
i don’t understand how jehovah’s witnesses can rightly claim:.
that less than 150,000 faithful christians existed prior to the 20th century....when allegedly millions were martyred during the first 3 centuries of the common era alone.
unique ability to interpret scripture...when interpretation of prophecy has been 100% wrong for over 130 years.. .
The RCC just apologized for the child abuse of indigenous children stating it was genocide- the Pope did that.
The society still hides the fact they have known and paid out millions to settle claims with your money- I say your money as it seems you do not want to believe what they are - hiding perverts for years! Do you call that OK? Are you putting your head in the sand like so many high ranking officials of the WTBTS? Read court reports. 25 cases in New York last year going ahead. Others out of court settlements- they hired a PR company and there is nothing but good news coming out of their mouths... is this the false prophet?
Ray Franz, of the GB knew the dates were wrong and said so - he was terminated.
Could not find anything on WEF directory re WTBTS... any further clarity on this ---checked all platforms, directories and list of members
years ago atlantis & us broke the story that qcs telecom was transferred to watchtower.. now qcs telecom has contracts with the ny state thruway authority.. links atlantis provided for us are under the video.
"Hourglass" 4 years ago - do a search on this site - related or just a coincidence?
years ago atlantis & us broke the story that qcs telecom was transferred to watchtower.. now qcs telecom has contracts with the ny state thruway authority.. links atlantis provided for us are under the video.
Another thought, recently the GB determined that all publishers pass control of their personal information over to the elders. Is this co-incidence?? This is a major snooping institution and if you look at the address listed at the bottom of the purchase agreement, it shows the name of a highly regarded Floridian H. Latchman. Check out his achievements since the 80's.-- an intellect for sure in engineering degrees and company operations.
The audio/video is nearing completion, tying in with this new acquisition and as above is saying, not too long in the future, every pubs household and electronic equipment will be under scrutiny by the org. So watch out what movies are being watched. They already have ID numbers for those who contribute, along with congregation locations. This is just another step in the wrong direction for most.
straight from the horse's gb's mouth - from the 2022 convention broadcast.. it's at the 38 min.
30 secs.
point of the jw broadcast: https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/#en/mediaitems/2022convention/pub-co-r22_1_video.
And his niece, who was on one of the channels recently, said he does not speak or act that way at home! So what does he think this does for him? There used to be a comic called Elastoman??? ITs him....
the watchtower—study edition | september 2022.
20 what an exciting time the thousand year reign will be!
it will include the greatest educational program ever undertaken here on earth.
Aren't we supposed to forget the past, where are the new scrolls? How many years into the new system? Where is all the destruction and bodies piled to bridle of horses? Maybe the "helpers" are teaching or there is no use for the elders? Since the baptism Q2 leaves out the holy spirit now, where are they getting this information, from Bro Russell, Rutherford, the GB1 & 2 that were taken? So confusing
the last 2 1/2 years have been extremely stressful.
while the rest of the world was dealing with covid, i was also dealing with cancer.
in fact it seems none of my doctors knew about it.
Your personal story of your fight is so inspirational. I have read many of your insights in the past and missed you when your health deteriorated - so glad to hear you are on the mend, it was such a struggle for you through the covid/medical issues that prevailed. In my area, it is just as bad, even now although restrictions have lifted, there are still surgeries cancelled, doctors online and virtual now, and have to wait in line for a clinic appointment.
To know what struggles one has to go through today is so foreign to us, we have become our own healers and now really have to listen to our bodies to make us well.
Good to see you back, I hope this gives you some relief and interaction with the board. Your picture shows you are enjoying life again in all its facets. (Milkshakes on the menu!)
i fear this could put an end to travelling a territory due to rising prices- where i am located in canada, we are now paying $2.08 per liter .
now since there is 3.79 litres in one gallon that equates to $7.88 per gallon... .
how many in a car group will kick in?
Good one FUJW