All of them because Holy Spirit doesn’t exist.
One that stands out is a trouble shooter elder that was in my parents congregation. I heard about it from my elder uncle, now deceased.
This elder was the classic come clean up your congregation kind of guy and encourage pioneering etc. Both him and wife were regular pioneers and one or two kids in beth hell.
This guy was a snake. He was ripping off the older brothers and sisters in the hall and a real condescending a hole in the congregation. So he decides to move to another congregation once he had fleeced all he could. The other elders wouldn’t give him a recommendation letter as there were unresolved issues(fraud).
This elder calls up a favor from his circuit overseer buddy and circuit overseer pressures the elders to write the recommendation letter.
Fast forward about 6 months this fraud elder ends up getting caught by his wife in the sack with an unmarried pioneer sister.