Thanks, your real nane is much easier to spell and is pretty too.
Looks like we had simular experiences.I used to keep a note book with those crazy experiences in it.
I just quit going to meetings about 8 months ago.I haven't heard that judgement message talked about since all those years back.
I guess that teaching still stands since they never took it back that I'm aware of.?
Maybe the silence shows just how excited they really are about it.
I've often thought about what would happen if they did finally change over to this message.Then when the end doesn't come I wonder If they'll start all over again with good news?
JoinedPosts by Ranchette
by D wiltshire inwt has to give final witness when end comes.
(a heavy message of doom from jehavhs organization).
*** re 233-4 32 god's anger brought to a finish ***.
by D wiltshire inwt has to give final witness when end comes.
(a heavy message of doom from jehavhs organization).
*** re 233-4 32 god's anger brought to a finish ***.
Yes,they just loved to use this one when bookstudy attendence got low!
They would say it would be through the bookstudy groups that we would have to meet during persecution, so it was as important or more so than the other meetings.
Ranchette -
by D wiltshire inwt has to give final witness when end comes.
(a heavy message of doom from jehavhs organization).
*** re 233-4 32 god's anger brought to a finish ***.
No, it was rural southern Missouri and I’m proud to say that I’m not originally from there.
We would drive for miles down dirt roads and come across a pig trail that we would not dare drive down because we learned early on that our cars couldn’t take it. Even if there was not a mail box we would still hike in because there would be people living back there in the woods in old buses, wooden boxes and so on. No electricity or plumbing either. These were hippie like people from big cities who would claim to be sick of society and moved there to live off the land. They stunk soooo bad! Those types were usually harmless.
There was more than one community in our territory that was made up of a couple of families. Incest was rampant in them and there were many mentally handicapped, and flat out crazies as a result of all the birth defects. We sisters were not allowed to go to these places without a brother in the car group. Like, he could really protect us.[8>]
There were also lots of Church of God and Pentecostal. Very charismatic .The demons were every- where!
There was also lots of Church of Christ who loved to tell us we were going to hell.
Then you had angry Veterans with flashbacks and the love of guns!
Also a ton of paranoid schizophrenics. I’ve lived in a lot of places but this was the scariest and most entertaining.
Ranchette -
by D wiltshire inwt has to give final witness when end comes.
(a heavy message of doom from jehavhs organization).
*** re 233-4 32 god's anger brought to a finish ***.
I guess I was starting that independent thinking too.I could see nothing good or exciting about that message!On top of that we lived in a territory that was already hostile towards us.Doing things like cussing us out,pulling a guns on us,letting their visious dogs loose,getting the holy ghost& speaking in tongues,telling us that were going to hell,and coming to the door naked!! All this just because of our "good news." I was thinking of what they would do when we had to give them the bad news!
I'm so glad to be free of that unessessary fear.
Ranchette -
by D wiltshire inwt has to give final witness when end comes.
(a heavy message of doom from jehavhs organization).
*** re 233-4 32 god's anger brought to a finish ***.
This reminds me of a talk given in the late seventies or early eighties on a Thursday night. They told us that when the preaching work was done we as faithful witnesses would have a new and different message to bring to people at the doors.It would be a "MESSAGE OF DOOM",it was called. They said the time would come that we would be told to go door to door and tell people that the preaching work was done and it was to late for them and to let them know that destruction laid before them because they rejected our message.
They told us that this would take great faith on our part and it would be required of us to deliver this message when the time came in the near future. They also told us that if we found service difficult now or weren’t very regular we better get our act together now if we wanted to have a chance at life.
I was a teenager and this scared me to death!! It took every thing I had to deliver their original message to people; I didn’t know how I’d ever make it.
We talked about this for a while. This kind of stuff really excited my mother!
Does any one else remember this? It faded out like some of their other stuff over the years.
This had cult written all over it but I didn't know it back then.
[b]Ranchette{/b] -
Interesting thoughts on the situation.. READ
by Brutus inhey everyone, .
everybody has called for everything from full scale nuclear assault to a more measured response, against targets ranging from the entire middle east to just the perpetrators.
the only country in which arabs can vote for their leaders is israel, where native born arabs are given citizenship.
It does seem from their actions that they don't have a healthy respect and aren't afraid of the US. I have to ask why? Could it be from what they've seen in how we delt with countries like Iraq?
Ranchette -
Outdoor Asemblies in Brutal Heat..Why?
by Room 215 ini don't know whether anyone's raised this topic before, but i don't understand why the society persists in scheduling these summer assemblies out of doors, often in some of the most unhospitable weather and locations known to man.. over the years, i've heard countless stories about people fainting, and even dying in the sweltering heat, and this includes infants who dehydrate.
it all seems so pointless when the wts now owns and operates so many air concitioned buildings of its own, and and where suitable indoors sites are readily available for rent.. philadelphia is one case in point: why insist on using the vet stadium when there is a plethora of indoor facility options all over the northeast?
are they so callous and indifferent to the friends' well-being?
This reminds me of another guestion I used to ask every summer.
Why do they recomend hotel/motels in the getto!!? The prices were not any better than what we could get by using our corporate discount in a nice area of town.Some of the friends cars were stolen and things stolen from the rooms.
They never seemed to be concerned with our saftey.It got so bad we finally started getting our own rooms for the saftey of our family.so, outdoor assemblies in the blistering summer heat doesn't surprise me.
Ranchette -
What if.................
by Ranchette inwhat if it turns out that these terrorist attacks came from some of our own citizens?.
this has been such a terrible thing and every one seems to be focused.
on the middle east.. has any one else considered this possibility?.
You present a serenio I haven't thought of.But, I believe citizens of this country could commit a terrorist act without the government knowing anything about it.
Ranchette -
Is it really time to argue religion??
by Introspection init occurs to me that if we're using this tragedy as an opportunity to support our views, maybe we're no better than jws are when they play on people's fears in the preaching work.
I don't really see anyone arguing "religion" right now.
What I do see is people with real questions and feelings about what has happened today.When you have different people with different beliefs commenting your gonna get different takes on what it all means.
Just my oppinion though.
Ranchette -
What if.................
by Ranchette inwhat if it turns out that these terrorist attacks came from some of our own citizens?.
this has been such a terrible thing and every one seems to be focused.
on the middle east.. has any one else considered this possibility?.
What if it turns out that these terrorist attacks came from some of our own citizens?
This has been such a terrible thing and every one seems to be focused
on the Middle East.
Has any one else considered this possibility?
Remember the Oklahoma bombing?