"If I could diagnose that $h!t, I'd say your mother has bipolar disorder."
Under normal circumstances I would agree with you. But I do not believe she is bipolar, I think it is bordering on plain crazy...
She has been this way since forever with this JW stuff. For instance, she has three kids and a husband. There are literally 5 pictures of me from birth till my current age of about 40. Only 2 of them are out... my baptism photo and a photo of the first time I saw my bethel room. THere are 0 of my sister and literally about 20+ of my Brother who is as nutty as she is.
The walls have every single photo of every month of every JW calendar since the 1960's IN FRAAAAMES. Those cheap paradise photos that everyone was buying in the late 90's and one wall that is an enormous bookcase of all the publications she has.
She is probably one of the only people I have ever met that can fully explain every change in the generation doctrine 1914 and so on.
Her talent at every JW talent show is that she can recite the books of the bible forwards and backwards at a speed that is crazy and she has memorized huge chunks of the bible...
I do believe had shge devoted her time to a real education should could have done something amazing with this fanatical mind but alas it is all devoted to every nook and cranny of a crack pot religion.