I had the same issue, lol. So I ended up chambering both ... I ultimately realized I like the .45 long colt more.
It is such fun at the range.
i spent a considerable length of time living and working in america (would love to imigrate one day).. almost everyone i worked with and made friends with carried a concealed firearm of somesort.
i found this pretty interesting and as an avid firearm fan even more so.. so to our american members here... .
as a jw did you or did you know any practising dubs who carried or if not had firearms for home defence?
I had the same issue, lol. So I ended up chambering both ... I ultimately realized I like the .45 long colt more.
It is such fun at the range.
i spent a considerable length of time living and working in america (would love to imigrate one day).. almost everyone i worked with and made friends with carried a concealed firearm of somesort.
i found this pretty interesting and as an avid firearm fan even more so.. so to our american members here... .
as a jw did you or did you know any practising dubs who carried or if not had firearms for home defence?
None of their damn business if I and why I sleep with a Taurus Judge next to my pillow or not
I also have a taurus judge, it is my trail gun as well as the gun I choose as self defense. There is NOTHInG like having a handgun that chambers shotgun shells as well as .45 LC ammo.
Prepared for every situation.
... that this forum, which is such an amazing resource for those needing support for their journey from watchtower's clutches has an increasingly present representation of unreasoning politically charged loudmouths..
This thread will not result in Kavanaugh being removed from the supreme court... nor will it provide any evidence that Blasey-Ford isn't a confused and/or lying woman who deserves to be believed.
This entire thread seems to be a tantrum based on the fact that what someone wanted to happen didn't happen.
i just saw an ad last night for this.
it will be televised in november on a&e..
Is that cedars
that expression is a no-no now.
it is racist and hateful.
some people just need to get the monkey off their backs..
I wonder when people will learn or observe that the people who get so upset about this stuff generally are liberal whites. They then try to pull black people along for the ride in order to score political points.
Tear down a statue and its 95 percent whites with Starbucks there.
Street protest.... majority whites
It is tiring because these same liberal whites put black people in the crosshairs of angry people they generally try to avoid
i guess you can be physically out, like in a huge way, but definitely mentally in.. serena williams claims she won't be celebrating her daughter's first birthday.. i did know people like that, raised as a jw but never actually baptizing.
that didn't mean they were not messed up in the head though..
What I hate about her is that idiots like me and my family as well as others who had potential actually took this shit seriously and tried to do the best we could to be good JW's.
Then one day we come to the realization we have to let it go and our worlds are turned upside down and we have to work so hard to get it together and be a success. Get laughed at when telling others the hell it was.
This bitch spends her whole life as a parttime dub, never makes a commitment. Gets rich, married richer, and then spouts this shit as if it is the greatest thing since sliced bread so other unsuspected yokels get trapped into a life of hell
as an elder, i saw one child abuse situation involving a man who wanted to be an elder and had i believe 8 children.
he was not in our congregation when this all erupted.
he denied it and moved to another hall and unbelievably, that body of elders wanted to appoint him since they believed his entire family was lying about him.
In my NJ Congo there was a brother who married a woman then molested her brother and sister. Later come to find out he molested 4 other people in our sister ccongo... he went to jail.
In Florida there was a brother in his late 60's who was caught with candid pics of the service overseers daughter in the trunk of his car. Later he admits that before he was a witness he was a molester. He does shortly thereafter and the entire body refused to give his memorial talk.
i was wondering how exactly is it that illegals can get paid and be under the radar?
a business takes in cash.
at farms, construction, etc, most probably comes in from checks and credit.
I farm now, and I will tell you how many of these lowlife farmers pay these people.
1. There is an individual who has a company that provides illegal laborers. Some of them legal and some are not.
2. The farmer cuts a check at the end of the week to this individual that provides the workers. That check may be anywhere from $1 to $30,000 a week. The farmers hands are clean at this point.
3. The provider of labor then writes a check or passes the cash to the legal worker, who then passes that cash out to the others who are illegal.
Most of these people live in a communal setting with an upwards of 10 people in 2 or 3 bedroom mobile homes.
<www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/08/180820104204.htm>.. the above article gives proof, that the northern region of israel, palestine, the galilei region of jesus' origin, was once occupied by blue-eyed people.
a staple of nazi propaganda that he was of the "master race"(or the other way around) and wt illustrators that show him as such.
ha ha.
As long as none of that varied pigmentation is black.
two weeks ago mrs. add and myself was driving home from shopping on a side street when we came upon a man laying on his back with his arms spread out in a t formation.
with no one in site we pulled over our van to help this person.
mrs.add went for her phone to call 911 and i got out of the van to see what i could do.
I feel for you and your wife. Sorry this happened to you. Situations like these are the reason I tend to just keep moving right along when things happen because it is to easy to end up in a bad situation when trying to help someone else.
About 8 years ago while my wife, 3 other friends and I were in field service there was a woman broke down on the side of the road on a busy street at 10 in the morning.
The brother driving pulled over to help and when he popped the hood her shithole man friend gets out the passenger seat and put a gun to the brothers stomach and told him to tell everyone in the car to give up their money... we all got robbed and some scared because of lowlife thugs taki mb g advantage