I think back to Barack Obama and I say that it was great he demonstrated to actual native born African Americans that they can reach that point. However let us not forget that his black side is Kenyan so although he is black he does not have a history in this country to understand the unique generational experience and values of blacks with a history here. His presidency and subsequent decisions demonstrate that. It is the same reason Kamala Harris will not get the black vote either.
Obama pushed abortion, gay rights, benefits for immigrants, as well as a further reliance on welfare. He also did nothing to reform prisons as he said as well as lighter sentences. People say he had opposution... yet he had the power of executive order and never used it. Yet Trump has.
Trump assisted HBCUs, not Obama. Economic empowerment zones
Less focus on welfare and more focus on self sufficiency.
Obama did everything he could to get benefits for dreamers... non citizens... and gay rights. Yet there was a huge lack in focusing on improving the condition in the neighborhoods similar to Chicago.
Now that the Hispanic population has bypassed the black population you will see dems focus on Hispanic rights, black females, and gays. Further pushing black fathers out of homes and further compounding the issues they face...